“Fuck no. I will buy us a house. I heard there is one near Ben’s and Eddie’s that she might like.” I mention the real estate I have been looking at. I already knew if I was to stay with Lucy that a house in Baltimore would be where we had to make a home.

“What about your business?” Harrison’s body hasn’t moved. He is stiff, unflinching.

“I’ll travel. Work from the shop or from our new home. I can make it work.”

“I spoke to her… She is upset. We have some things we need to work out,” Harrison says tentatively.

“Then let’s work them out so you can give me the green light.” I feel renewed. Lucy is the other half of me I didn’t know I needed. I am ready to get back to her. Ready to make her mine. No more self-pity.

“Amy has threatened Lucy. Told her to keep away from you; otherwise, she will go to the media and out her as the other woman in your relationship,” Harrison says, and I balk. Is that why Lucy won’t talk to me now?

“What the fuck? Other woman? Amy and I don’t have a fucking relationship,” I yell, frustrated, before understanding washes over me. “Your mother,” I say quietly, the information aligning in my brain at exactly what is at stake here, not just for me and Lucy, but also Harrison. I rub my eyes, knowing how fucked up this entire situation is. This could literally kill his presidential chance. He has waited so long, so the whole persona of his mother is no longer on the radar of the media in order to announce his running, and now Amy has the potential to completely fuck it up.

“At the moment, Lucy also thinks you and Amy have a baby, and she doesn’t want to be the reason you don’t make a family together,” Harrison admits, and my heart stutters.

“What are you talking about?” I question, my brow furrowed.

“She overheard you talking to Amy. Heard that she was pregnant. I guess she assumed that the baby is now alive and Amy and you should make a go of being a real family. You know, be the parents every child needs,” Harrison says, continuing when he can see me spiraling. “We need a plan. The media have had a field day with photos of you and Amy on the street.” I could have handled it all so much better.

“Amy has been having an affair in Mexico these past few years. A married man with kids,” I tell him. Sometimes the only way to discredit accusations is to turn the media around on the other person.

“I know. My team is already on it. I had them digging dirt up on Amy the minute Lucy told me about this situation. Willow has planted media stories, images. I have a team in Mexico. But you need to know I will bury her.” He is not playing games anymore. This whole thing means way too much to him, his family, to all of us.

“I’m done with her. Lucy is my only priority,” I tell him seriously, my heart hammering.

“My answer is yes. But you run from her again and you won’t be welcome back. I love you like a brother, but Lucy comes first to me. Treat her like a queen and we won't have a problem,” he says, his tone like a warning, but I can see his eyes softening.

“You have my word.” We step toward each other at the same time and hug it out. His palm slaps on my back extra hard, and I huff out a laugh. I’m happy now that I can get back to my girl with his approval.

“Good. Now get back to Baltimore and get on your fucking knees and beg, because asking me was the easy part. Lucy has accomplished a lot in the few days you were gone. She is not the same woman I met a year ago. She is a force to be reckoned with,” Harrison says and a smile takes over my face.

My butterfly is growing into her wings. I always knew she would.

* * *

Harrison left half an hour ago, and I sit in my office, the ranch quiet as I think of my plan. The life it was full of weeks ago with Lucy is no longer present. Fuck, I even miss her here. In my safe space. It feels cold and bare without her. I have organized the jet and my driver, and now I just need to pack a few things and start the journey to get back to her. Walking to the bedroom, I turn on the light, and my eyes connect with something I wasn’t expecting.

A book. On the nightstand. A children's book. It must be from when Harvey was here. I walk to it like it is a magnet and pick it up. The Story of Ferdinand.

Lucy. It has always been Lucy. I throw the book on the bed and stalk back to my room, grabbing my new cell. I should never have left her. I should never have come to Whispers without her. I should have called her. I am such a fucking moron.

I dial her number and wait. It rings. And rings. She doesn’t answer. I look at the time to see it is just past ten. It is late, but I know she usually stays up reading. I end the call and dial again. The same thing. It rings and rings, but just as I am about to give up, she answers.

“I’m coming,” I say quickly before she has the chance to even answer.

“You’re engaged,” she says in greeting, no emotion in her voice, sounding completely different.

“No, I’m not,” I tell her as fast as her words leave her lips.

“I can’t be the other woman, Huxley. And I won’t.” And then she ends the call.

I call her back, but it just rings. I try again and get the same thing.

“Fuck,” I yell out to my empty room, feeling like a fucking failure. I can run multimillion-dollar businesses, but my fucking head is not on right when it comes to women.

I look at my watch. I should be in Baltimore within a few hours. It will be late, but I can’t wait to see her. I throw my clothes together and run to the front to wait for the car before an idea comes to me. I see the buggy Mom and Dad use to drive around the property, and I run over and start it up. It is dark so I go slowly, but I get to the chamomile field in short time and get busy. Putting in calls to my team on the way.

There is only one woman I want to marry, and that is the infuriating, book-loving, stubborn, strong, beautiful woman who looks like my fucking heaven every time I see her, and I am coming for her.