“Oh great, thanks, Dwayne,” I say, taking a sip, wondering for the first time ever what to say to him. Huxley’s grip on my waist tightens, and I am not sure, but I see Dwayne’s eyes flick to it before a small scowl comes to his face.

“Dwayne. Now that Lucy’s back, we are shutting up the shop. Take an early day, and she will see you back here for your shift tomorrow.” Eddie gets me out of this awkward situation, and I see Dwayne stiffen.

“I’m happy to stay with you, Lucy. You know, help you get settled back in?” Dwayne asks me. It is not totally out of character. He has stayed back a few times to help stock some shelves and different things, but for the most part, we aren’t this close. Huxley steps forward to say something, but I slap his chest.

“No worries, Eddie and Huxley will take care of me,” I tell him, firmly putting up the invisible boundary, and he gives me a curt nod.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He steps back, grabs his backpack, and we all watch him walk out the door.

“That is more than he has said all week.” Katie sighs with a little roll of her eyes.

“What do you mean?” I ask, turning back to them.

“He was hardly here, and when he was, he just sat at the coffee station and watched us all work. Tennyson nearly fired him two days ago, but we stopped him, not sure you would have wanted that,” Eddie says, placing his hands in his pockets.

“Sounds about right,” Huxley murmurs, still watching the door where Dwayne just walked through.

“Well, I’ll chat with him tomorrow. Let me put away my things and freshen up, and I will be right down.” I smile at them, excited to see the rest of my brothers tonight and hear the news. My brother is going to be president.

* * *

“Look out, I want one,” Tennyson says, stalking up to me. I just stepped into the foyer at Harrison’s place, Beth giving me a hug before Tennyson butts in. Huxley rolls his eyes at Tennyson, but the small smile on his face tells me he is enjoying this just as much.

“You missed me too, huh?” I say with a smile as I sink into his embrace. We have hugged before, but this feels more real. My shoulders are lower, the pressure I always felt lifted.

“Oh my God, you are actually hugging me,” Tennyson says in jest.

“Yes, I am actually hugging you.” I know I have been hard to handle. The time away gave me the opportunity to think about my life and the things that have been impacted because of my attitude. The relationship with my brothers is one of them. Huxley’s words to me about my situation and how I saw myself were sharp, but I needed to hear them. I am not broken or damaged or a burden. I pull away and quickly hug Ben too.

“Who is hugging who?” Harrison asks, stepping into the fray.

“Our sister is a hugger!” Tennyson yells, stepping back before Harrison looks at me sharply. His eyes flick behind me to Huxley, and I feel the pressure that they hold.

“Huxley,” he says as a grin comes to Harrison’s face upon seeing his friend with me.

“Thank you for everything,” I say to Harrison and then look at my other brothers. “Thank all of you for putting up with me and helping me this week,” I say, blowing out a breath so I don’t cry.

“You don’t have to thank us. We are your family,” Harrison says firmly, like there is no question about it, and I step forward and he opens his arms and I hug him too.

“You good?” he asks quietly as the others walk through to the living room.

“Yeah, I'm good,” I say, smiling.

“Do I need to kill Huxley?” he asks, and I snort.

“Not yet, but I will let you know,” I tell him jokingly.

“Stop talking about me like I am not even here,” Huxley says, stepping forward to Harrison, the two of them hugging and backslapping. I know they go way back. Best friends since college days, so Harrison is happy to have him here.

“Let’s get inside. I have news.” With a wide smile, his arm drapes around my shoulders. We walk together into the living room, and I take a seat on the large sofa with the girls as Huxley stands with Harrison.

“So, are we cracking the champagne?” Tennyson asks, sitting on the armchair, Willow perched on his lap. Dinner is obviously cooked, as I can smell the amazing aromas from where I sit, but we are all on tenterhooks, waiting for the news we know is coming.

“I am officially putting in my intention to run for president tomorrow,” Harrison says, and my brothers all jump up, whooping as I sit in shock. Holy shit, my brother is going to run for president. My eyes flick to Huxley, who is watching me intently.

Everyone claps and talks over the top of each other while I sit and take it all in.

“Okay, so lay it all out, what does it all mean for us?” Ben asks the question we all need to know.