“Well, I better get out there and break them up. They seem to be having way too much fun without me,” he says as he stands and walks out the door and runs over to where Huxley and Harvey are playing.

I sit and watch them for a while, thinking about what he said. Huxley might like me; hell, he may even have feelings for me. But we both know that he has a history as a playboy, and I need to keep my feelings together. I can’t go falling for the one man I already know will never commit. No matter how good he is to me. I have a broken body; I can’t have a broken heart as well. That is something I will never survive.


I duck as I step into the bookstore so I don’t get too wet from the rain. Huxley is right behind me, just finishing a call in the car. Our week in Whispers did wonders for my health, both physical and mental. I feel lighter, more at ease in myself. My leg no longer throbs twenty-four seven, and a week in Huxley’s bed has my head high and my shoulders back.

I have never felt more alive and sexy than I do right now. I am still not sure where we go from here, but I am taking it day by day. We had an amazing week, but now that we are back in the city, my confidence in us sways a little. His playboy history is well known. Sandra’s voice from the bathroom at the gala earlier this month rings in my mind. She is not enough of a woman for Huxley Hamilton.

“You’re back!” Dwayne jumps up from where he was sitting behind the coffee machine and rounds the counter quickly.

“Hi, Dwayne, oh…” I say quickly as my body is pulled into his arms and I slam against his chest.

“I missed you.” My arms flail around, not holding him back, feeling a little shocked at his greeting. I huff a small awkward laugh because I am not sure what else to do. He pulls back and grips my arms, keeping me in front of him, and I get a smell of his cologne. A memory pings in the back of my brain, but I can't pull it forward.

“Glad to have you back. Want a coffee?” Dwayne smiles broadly. It feels off. He has never hugged me before, never even touched me before. Sure, we are friendly colleagues and share some jokes sometimes, but he usually sits in the coffee section while I work around the shop. Some days, we barely see each other.

“Sure,” I say, not really wanting one, but wanting to get out of his grasp even more.

“Great, on to it.” He quickly spins on his heel, now acting like making a coffee for me is the most important part of his day. I try to shake off the odd greeting, as it is probably due to my brothers being here all week and being their usual arrogant selves. Poor Dwayne is probably glad to see the back of them. Relief. Yep, that's what he must feel, relieved to have them gone. I roll back my shoulders and leave my suitcase near the front door and look around the store.

It’s different. I take a few tentative steps inside, my eyes going to the scene of the crime. Everything is clean. The windows have all been updated and replaced, now each of them lockable, and there are no broken ones. They are still completely bar-free, though, which I appreciate. The carpet is new. The same design I would have chosen, and it feels amazing under my feet.

“It looks good,” Huxley says in awe from behind me, his hands circling my waist.

“It does, doesn’t it,” I say quietly, taking in all the changes and not upset by any of them.

“Hey, welcome back!” Eddie says, stepping out from my office, his arms wide.

“Oh yay, my girl is back!” Katie says, jumping up from the stack of books she was tidying.

“Hey, guys.” I step toward Eddie and fall into his embrace, which has never happened before, and we hug. A big genuine brotherly hug, and Katie's face is one of shock before she morphs into a smile.

Katie joins us, the three of us hugging it out.

For the past week, I slept. I ate. I walked. I had more sex in that one week than I have had in my entire life before then. I have no doubt my skin is glowing, my eyes no longer tired and sore, my smile wide.

“I’m back,” I say, my eyes watery but not crying.

“You had a good week?” Eddie asks, stepping back, looking at me cautiously before shaking Huxley’s hand in greeting.

“I feel…” I say, taking a deep breath. “Restored.” I nod to them and smile, Huxley’s hand now warm on my back.

“I knew it would do you good. I am so glad that Huxley suggested it,” Katie says, giving me another squeeze.

“I'm glad you all let her come. It was nice to be in the open space,” Huxley says. The four of us standing around chatting feels good.

“I don’t think we had much choice,” Eddie says, eyeing Huxley suspiciously and I smile.

“We have dinner at Harrison’s tonight. He has called a family meeting,” Eddie says quietly, ensuring Dwayne isn’t in earshot.

“A family meeting?” Huxley asks, his brow pursed as he looks at Eddie.

“Is he…?” I start to ask.

“I think he has a date set. Why don’t you go and unpack, get ready, and you can follow us over. He will want you there too, Huxley,” Eddie says, and I nod. I take another deep breath because this is big. I think over what Huxley talked to me about. About being the face of Bloomers. Capitalizing on Harrison’s media attention. I don’t hate the idea as much as I would have in the past, but I am still not sure.

“Here’s your coffee!” Dwayne says cheerily, appearing at my side, and I look up and smile, taking the coffee.