“Apparently, her neighbor, Terry Jones, recommended him. Terry brought him in not long after Lucy got out of hospital, and Dwayne started helping her out. She didn’t have the heart to tell him no.” It sounds about right. Dwayne doesn’t seem to like it when he is told no or challenged. I don’t trust him one bit.
“So the other ball in this juggle is you. What’s happening?” Harrison is going to announce his campaign for president soon, I just know it.
“It’s heating up. I will announce it soon. We are just getting a few things lined up.” He doesn’t need to tell me that this conversation is confidential. We already know that anything we say to each other remains between us.
“What does that mean for Luce?” I ask, wondering if he has thought of everything.
“Her life will completely change… Tell me you are looking after her, Huxley?” he growls again as our conversation does a complete three-sixty, and we are back to controlling brother again.
“She is here, why don’t you speak to her yourself. Tell her all about the shop,” I say as I see Lucy walk into the kitchen, now fully showered and changed, looking like every man’s wet dream.
“My shop? What have they done?” Her eyes are wide, already knowing her brothers are changing it all on her.
“Here. It’s Harrison.” I pass her my cell, and she walks to the windows and stands, looking out at the property, talking to him. I get busy making her breakfast but smile at hearing her dressing him down in the loving way only a sister can. I understand now why all her brothers want to fall at her feet. She is adorable when she is angry and even though she is stern, you can tell she really doesn’t mean it. I don’t think there is a bad bone in her body.
I plate up as she ends the call..
“He got new carpet,” she says, slumping on the stool at the kitchen counter.
“I heard,” I tell her, pushing her plate toward her as I lean against the counter opposite her, and I dig in as well.
“I just hope it looks good. Not stuffy and corporate,” she says, picking at her omelet.
“You can always get more rugs to hide it if you need to,” I offer, watching her carefully, waiting to see if she eats anything.
“They drive me nuts, but I love them. Growing up as an only child, I really never had anyone to rely on aside from my parents. Now I have so many people, it is hard to keep up,” she says, looking at me from under her lashes.
“You must miss them?” I ask about her parents. I am close with my own, and I can’t even imagine losing them both at the same time.
“Every day. I go to their grave as much as I can, at least every week. I take chamomile flowers; they were my mother’s favorite,” she says softly, and my shoulders relax now that I see her taking some small bites.
“We have a lot of them growing here on the ranch. We can go and grab a bunch today, if you’d like? Maybe put a few bunches in the house here?” I have a feeling that would make her happy.
“Really?” Her smile immediately makes me feel like her king.
“Sure, I have horse riding and a picnic planned, but we can take a small detour,” I tell her as I clean up from breakfast.
“What?” She straightens her spine suddenly, looking at me like I am crazy.
“Horse riding.” I had a feeling she may balk at it.
“I can’t get on a horse.” Her eyes are wide, looking at me like I am insane for suggesting it, just like they did when I asked her to dance at the gala.
“Why not?” I push her because there is no reason she can’t.
“My leg!” she says, exasperated.
“I had your legs spread wide last night, and I didn’t hear you complaining.” I smirk at her as I walk around the counter to meet her. Her cheeks tint a little, and I step right up to her, putting my arms around her waist where she sits on the stool.
“I made us a picnic lunch. It is a beautiful day outside, and I have a special private spot I go to sometimes.” My nose traces her jaw, and I kiss her cheeks.
“Okay… I will try…” she murmurs, and I smile against her cheek before I kiss her quickly.
“Keep my phone, I think you have to call the other three before they send a search party. I’m going to take a quick shower, and then I will be back, and we can go,” I tell her, leaving my cell phone with her. “Passcode is 2566637.” I have nothing to hide, and I trust her. “Feel free to sit outside on the patio. The morning sun is nice this time of year.” I kiss her again and leave her to it, the thought of Lucy Bloomer riding me later like she will my horse now firmly ingrained in my brain.
After speaking with all my brothers and putting in a call with Katie, I feel confident that my shop will not only look fresh and new, but also have so much security I might as well have metal detectors at the door. But knowing they are only trying to help and that there is nothing I can do about it until I get back, I push it all to the back of my mind as I look at the large shiny black stallion that is before me.