My stomach flip-flops, my heart thumping a million miles an hour, and this moment right here, I know, is one hundred percent the most genuine connection I have ever felt in my entire life. A little moan escapes my chest, my hold on him remaining tight. I never want this to end. He growls in approval, the sound vibrating across my skin, and I get goosebumps, feeling him all around me.
He pulls away slightly, both of us panting for breath. His hands remain around my face, and he looks into my eyes so intensely, I almost burn under his gaze. I watch him swallow and pull back a little more.
“Huxley…” I whisper, breathless. I am not sure what to do with the overwhelming feelings I have right now.
“I should go…” He starts to step back toward my door, and slight panic crawls up my chest as I look for any regret in his eyes. “Make sure you lock the downstairs door once I leave,” he says, clearing his throat and shaking his head like he is coming out of a daze. He steps out of my apartment, and once I hear his footsteps run down the stairs, I fall onto my sofa, wondering what the hell we have just done.
I pull at my hair, frustrated that I am not understanding this fucking contract. My C-pen is broken, so I can’t use it, and the words are jumbled. I’m tired, short with everyone, and feel like I need to hit something.
Standing, I start to pace my office as I pull at my collar, walking to the floor-to-ceiling windows. The high-rise I am in has picture-perfect views of Manhattan. Central Park looks almost small below. I watch the traffic weave in and out, the people pouring across the road when the lights change, and I take a breath, trying to get my brain to work.
I used to love this town. The people, the rush. New York was always my city. Amy and I used to eat out every night. She would shop all day, and I would take on business after business, the chase of money never stopping. But that was a long time ago, and while New York still is my city, I now yearn for something different. A slower pace. Maybe I’m getting old. Maybe New York was always Amy’s town too, and when she left, so did the need for me to be here. I have my office, business contacts, friends, but after spending more time in Baltimore lately, with Lucy, New York isn’t feeling as comfortable as it once was.
It’s been a week since the gala. A week since I spoke to Lucy. That is too long, and I know that is why I am frustrated. I was talking with her almost daily, and I would look forward to our chats. It’s also been a week since I kissed her. Priceless. I can’t believe I said that out loud. I am supposed to be her business coach, for fuck’s sake. Her brother is my best friend, and I go and tell her she is priceless. It wasn’t a lie. For a man like me, who can buy anything I want, she is priceless. But I have stayed away all week because I don’t trust myself around her. I barely trust myself not around her, the urge to call her just to hear her voice something fierce, and I wonder what the fuck is happening to me to make me so soft.
Then the kiss. It was the best damn kiss I have ever had. Her lips, her taste, her sweet little moans. God, it took all I had to step away from her. I wanted one dance. I wanted to have her in my arms and show her that she can do anything that she did before the accident. Before the day that seemingly changed her life forever. But I knew I was playing with fire. In her apartment, at night, feelings building between us that neither of us have the strength to push away. So I have stayed in New York all week, thinking the physical distance will be enough. But it isn’t. I have thought of nothing else but her this entire time.
The last time I thought something like that about a woman was when I was with Amy and she left me and never came back. I can’t go through that again. I won’t.
My cell phone rings, startling me, and I pull it from my pocket, seeing Edward Rothschild’s name on the screen.
“Shit,” I murmur as I watch it ring. I haven’t spoken to any of them since that night. It was clear they were warning me. I should have fucking listened.
“Hey, Eddie,” I say, not able to ignore a Rothschild.
“Hey, Huxley. How’s things?” he asks casually, and I take a seat back behind my desk and blow out a breath.
“Fine. Just the usual. How are you? How did the gala finish up the other night?” I ask, knowing it was a big night for them.
“It was great. We raised a lot of money, so there will be a few programs funded. That's what I wanted to talk to you about,” he says, and I sit up.
“Sure, what?” I am intrigued. I already gave my money, what else do they want?
“Lucy is really keen to run a program from Bloomers, which I think is a perfect place and one of the reasons we really wanted to pick up a program like this.”
“I agree. It makes total sense and would be great for Bloomer Books. The injection of money from the program funding will help a lot.”
“Well, that is what I was calling for. Have you spoken to Lucy this week?” he asks, and I still.
“No. Why?” My words are quick as I tell him the truth, not wanting to tell him I am staying away because I don’t trust myself around his sister. Not wanting to tell him that I kissed her and now I want to fuck her twelve ways until Sunday.
“Nothing. She is fine. She just seems a little more off than usual and thought you might know why.” I mentally scold myself for not checking in with her and running away from her like a pussy. The guilt that I have for stepping over the line with her starts to make my stomach churn. Her brothers all warned me. Harrison is one of the most important people in my life. We have known each other for years, been through a lot together. The last thing I want is to go behind his back or make him think I don’t respect him or Lucy. But I want her. The feelings I have for her have now built up to a point where I can’t think of anything else. Not on this stupid work contract anyway.
“Maybe she was tired from the gala. It was a big night,” I offer, because while she looked vibrant all night, I am sure her leg was hurting.
“You’re keeping things all business, aren’t you, Huxley? I mean, you coach her, obviously talk with her, but everything is professional between the two of you, right?” I feel bad for lying, but I can’t tell him the truth on this one.
“Yes. Of course.” My voice is hoarse, and I clear my throat as a light sweat starts to form on my brow.
“It’s just, you ran out of the gala pretty quickly once you knew she wasn’t there anymore.” Eddie digs a little deeper. And I close my eyes. He was always more perceptive than his brothers.
“I went home alone, Eddie,” I grit out. It isn’t a lie. I went back to my Baltimore apartment on my own. I just don’t admit I had a small detour on the way there.
“Yeah, right,” Eddie mocks.
“True story.”