“They said it was. Needless to say, Tom and his wife were outraged and reported the incident to Animal Control as well as their neighborhood association, demanding that something be done about vicious dogs in their midst. Sellers has fought them every step of the way, and they’ve each sued the other, claiming damages.”
“What grounds did Sellers have to sue Tom?”
“Emotional distress and harassment.”
“So his dog attacks Tom’s dog, and he’s the one with distress?”
“That’s what he said. I read both lawsuits, and Sellers claims his family has lost their ability to enjoy their home due to the aggression of their neighbors.”
“Didn’t it occur to him that he could rehome his dogs to somewhere other than a residential neighborhood and begin enjoying his home again?”
“He said he’d never rehome them. They’re part of his family.”
“I think we should have a chat with him tomorrow. Find out where he is during the day and shoot me a message.”
“Will do.”
“Thanks for the good work.”
“You got it.”
Sam closed her phone and plugged it into the bedside charger as she thought about how she might approach an interview with the neighbor. First, she’d speak to Leslie Forrester about the dispute. She should also ask Leslie about Tom’s potential affair, but she wanted to dig into that further before she mentioned it. If it was just a rumor, there was no sense upsetting Leslie more than she already was.
That was the last thought she had before she was startled awake when Nick got into bed.
“What the hell?”
“I was thinking about something, and the next thing I know, it’s quite a bit later, and you’re here.”
“I believe it’s possible you fell asleep.”
“How does it just happen like that? Awake one minute and dead to the world the next?”
“You’re asking me? That’s never happened in my life.”
“I think, and please don’t laugh at me…”
“I’ll try my best not to, but I can’t wait to hear this.”
“I might be getting old.”
He laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes. “Shut up.”
“I’m serious! Old people do that. They’ll be talking one second and snoring the next. That’s what I just basically did. Next, I’ll be drooling.”
“You’re exhausted, Samantha, after a long, difficult day that involved blood and needles. Cut yourself a break.”
“Don’t forget you promised to still love me when I’m old, which may happen sooner than expected.”
He put his arm around her and made her comfortable in his embrace. “I’ll love you for as long as I’m drawing breath, and then I’ll love you for all of eternity.”
“Wow, you’re good. Who writes your stuff?”
“All original material. Get some sleep. Tomorrow’s a big day around here.”
“I’ll love you for all eternity, too, even if you’re making me have tea with the prime minister’s wife.”