He returned to his post on the sofa.
“The AG called me today. Or, I should say, his office called.”
“What did he want?”
“To see me right away. I told him I couldn’t do it today, and we’re meeting tomorrow.”
“I’ll bet he didn’t like being told no.”
“His lackey didn’t like it at all.”
Avery gave her a small grin. “Cox is used to getting his own way all the time.”
“So I gathered. Why do you think he asked to see me again?”
“I have no idea.”
“Maybe he wants to tell me how he and Forrester go way back to college, which he failed to mention the first time around.”
“Could be. When are you seeing him?”
“Nine thirty. Can I ask him about the all-hands message without getting you in trouble?”
“You could’ve heard about that from anyone, so feel free to ask.”
“Any other insight you can give me?”
“What’s Bryant saying?” Avery asked.
“Nothing useful. He has no idea why anyone would want Forrester dead. He had nothing to do with taking Forrester’s family hostage, despite his goons being the ones to hold them and the goons being willing to testify that they were acting on Bryant’s orders.”
“Were they given deals to testify?”
“Bryant’s attorney will call their motivation into question.”
“And he knows that, so he’s not moved by their willingness to throw him under the bus. The thing is, I know that slimeball is smack in the middle of this, but how do I prove that?”
“Keep working the case and pulling your threads. Something will pop.”
“I hope so. Thanks for listening.”
“Any time. Did Shelby tell you we’re moving out?”
“She did.”
“I found an apartment in Georgetown that’s perfect. It has full security and an excellent view.”
“You’re putting the other place on the market?”
“Already did. I’ve got movers coming to pack up everything for us. I don’t want Shelby to ever have to go back there again.”
“You’re a good man, Avery Hill. Thanks for taking such good care of my friend.”
“I appreciate that you can say that when it was my fault she was attacked in her own home.”
“That’s not true, and you know it.”