Page 59 of State of Suspense

“Not yet.”

As they approached the morgue, the door to outside opened, and Marcus came in, wearing a purple down coat that covered every part of him but his face. His curly blond hair was wilder than usual thanks to the brisk wind. A young woman stood next to him, holding a garment bag.

“What are you doing in that chair? And what’s on your arm?” He leaned in for a closer look. “A bandage? You’re wearing a bandage? Your face! What is happening?”

His warm brown eyes had gone wide with shock and horror.

“Relax, Marcus. All is well.”

“That is a bald-faced lie, and speaking of faces… What the hell are we going to do with yours?”

“That way,” Sam said.

The captain rolled her into the morgue as Marcus and his assistant followed.

Sam looked up at Malone. “Thanks for the lift. I can take it from here.”

“Call me if you need a ride back.”

“I will.”

Chapter Eleven

The captain headed for the door, and Sam turned to Marcus, who was unzipping the blanket he called a coat.

“So this is where they keep the dead people, huh?”

“Focus, Marcus. I’m on a tight schedule.”

“Look me in the eye and tell me exactly what’s injured so I can work around it.”

“Face, arm, hip.”

He gasped. “The same hip?”


“Damn it, Sam. Did you rebreak it?”

“I really hope not.”

“What does that mean? Haven’t you been to the ER?”

“No time for that.” She reached out an arm to the assistant. “Help me up and move slowly.”

The young woman looked terrified as she gave Sam an arm up. When she cried out in pain, the woman released her hold on her so quickly that Sam nearly fell over. She grasped the counter to remain standing.

“I’m so sorry, Mrs. Cappuano,” the woman said tearfully.

“Not your fault,” Sam said softly.

Any attempt to put weight on her right leg resulted in agony. She wanted to wail. This couldn’t be happening. Not this week.

“Sam,” Marcus said. “You need to be in the hospital.”

Tears filled her eyes. “I can’t. He needs me. Please, Marcus. Just do the fitting and let me get back to work.”

Though she could tell her friend had plenty he wanted to say, he bit his tongue and got to work.