Page 54 of State of Suspense

“The face. Vernon put some stuff on it that stung like a bitch. What else does it need?”

Harry moved in for a closer look. “Possibly a few stitches.”

“What’s our other option?”

Sighing, he pulled something out of his bag of tricks and applied it to her cheek.

She tried not to flinch.

He handed her an ice pack. “You’re going to want to use that to keep it from swelling more than it already has.”


“What’s next?”

“Um, maybe my arm? Not sure what’s up with it.”

Harry helped her out of her coat and gasped when he saw her swollen wrist and hand. “Sam, for God’s sake. Your wrist could be broken.”

“No, it isn’t.”

“I can’t treat that here. You need X-rays and an orthopedic doctor and…”

“Can you treat it at home?”

“Yes, but?—”

“Then we’ll deal with it there after my tour.”

“You can’t just walk around with a possibly broken wrist all day.”

“Yes, I can. I’ll be careful.”

“This is crazy, even for you.”

“I have a murdered U.S. Attorney who was not only a colleague but a friend. I’ve got the Canadians coming. I cannot deal with this right now.”

“You’ll need to be very careful with your hand and wrist until you can get it set. If it’s broken, the bone can burst through the skin, causing additional injuries.”

Sam nearly fainted at the thought of that happening. “I’ll be careful.”

“Do you have anything here for pain?”

Sam used her chin to point to the Motrin on her desk.

Harry shook out four pills that he handed to her with an open bottle of water that’d been sitting there for days.

Sam took the pills and chased them with the water, praying they worked to take the edge off.

“I want you to acknowledge that you’re acting against medical advice.”

“So noted. I’ll come straight to you when I get home.”

After he’d put something on the road rash on the palm of her hand, which hurt like a mother-effer, he reached into the bag and produced an Ace bandage. “You have to wear this.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“I’m not giving you the choice.”