Page 35 of State of Suspense

“In a perfect world, that’s true. In the world I live in, I’m antsy about it.”

“If I didn’t believe this was a good idea, I’d never ask you to do it.”

“I know. I guess I’m still a bit raw after having people throw tomatoes at me in Dewey.”

Lilia’s normally pleasant demeanor instantly hardened. “That was an outrage.”

“Yes, it was, but it’s also proof that a lot of people don’t approve of us, and I’m constantly afraid of doing anything to make things more difficult for Nick.”

“I’d never presume to speak for him, but if I had to guess, I think he’d probably tell you to do whatever works for you and not to worry about how it affects him.”

“You’re right. He would say that. Okay, let’s set up the Saturday photo shoot.”

“How would you feel about including the children?”

“That’d be up to them. I’ll ask if they’d like to be part of it.”

“Let me know what they say. Now, back to the state visit…”

They went over the rest of the details for the next day, which would unfold with military-like precision. Everything was planned down to the minute.

“It’s impressive,” Sam said when they were done.

“What is?”

“How you all put these things together like it’s no big deal.”

“We find it impressive that you know how to capture murderers.”

“That’s easy compared to this.”

“We’ll have to agree to disagree on that. I’ll be right there with you tomorrow to keep things running smoothly, so just relax and try to enjoy an excuse to get dressed up and dance with your handsome husband.”

“I’ll be able to do that thanks to your amazing work—and Shelby’s. Thank you again for filling in for her.”

“It is entirely my pleasure.”

“Nick proposed to me at the first Canadian state dinner we attended.” Sam smiled at the memory of his Rose Garden proposal. “He said, ‘At least you can’t say I never promised you a rose garden.’”

“I love that, and look at you now, proprietor of the most famous rose garden in the world.”

“Life is funny that way.” She glanced at the gorgeous watch Nick had given her as an anniversary gift and saw it was after six thirty. “I need to get to work. Thank you for everything, and I’ll make sure I’m back in plenty of time to be presentable for tea tomorrow.”

“I’ll see you then. If you have any questions beforehand, just give me a call.”

“Thanks for coming in early—and do not say it was your pleasure, because that’s a lie.”

Lilia laughed again. “Okay, I won’t say it, even though it was. Have a wonderful day.”

“You do the same.”

Sam left the East Wing and walked to the foyer to meet up with Vernon and Jimmy for the ride to work.

LeRoy, one of the butlers, was waiting with the coat she’d given him before she went to meet with Lilia. He held it for her.

“Thank you, LeRoy.”

“My pleasure, ma’am. You have a nice day now.”