He hadn’t slept for shit the night before, tossing and turning over his worries about Juan and in anticipation of this appointment. Sam deeply resented her mother-in-law for that and so many other things. No matter what happened today, Sam would never stop resenting her for all the pain she’d caused Nick in the past. Some things couldn’t be forgiven, even if he chose to do so. Sam never would.
Resigned to having to get through this dreaded meeting, she texted Vernon to tell him she was on the way out, gathered her belongings and headed for the morgue exit. As she went past the glass doors to the morgue, a flash of red ponytail caught her eye.
Sam stepped through the automatic doors. “What the heck are you doing here, Doc?”
Lindsey turned to her, still looking paler than usual, but not as much as she had a few days ago. “I’m feeling way better, and I came in to help with the paperwork on the Stahl case. Byron and the others need all the help they can get.”
“Are you sure it’s not too soon?”
“I’m sure. I saw Gonzo earlier, and he updated me on the Forrester case. You feeling okay about the plan?”
“I’ll feel much better about it when it’s successfully executed.”
“I’m sure.”
“It’s hard for me to put my people at risk while I sit in the comfort of the comms truck.”
“If the suspect saw you, the jig would be up.”
“I hate that, too.”
“It is what it is, but I get why it’s hard for you.”
“At times like this, I wonder if I should hang it up here.”
“What? No way!”
“What kind of commander sends her troops into battle while she’s safely out of the line of fire?”
“The best kind of commander. Any one of them would rather work with you despite the limitations than anyone else. If you don’t believe me, ask them.”
“Anyway, didn’t mean to make this about me. But while we’re on the subject of me, don’t do that passing-out thing again, you hear me? Scared the shit out of me.”
Lindsey smiled. “I hear you, and I’ll try not to. Terry said much the same thing.”
“He’s been doing okay?”
“He’s been amazing. He waited on me hand and foot for days and never left my side. He’s doubled up on AA meetings, which helps at stressful times.”
“Glad to hear it. I’ve, uh, got to go meet Nick at Ninth Street for a meeting with his mother.”
Lindsey’s shock registered in every corner of her expressive face. “No.”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“I’ll expect a full report.”
“I hope it’s a brief report.”
“Go with God.”
Sam laughed. “I will, thanks. Good to see you back where you belong, my friend.”
“Good to be here.”