On it, he replied. Not my first rodeo with them.
I have every confidence in you and your team.
We’ll get you what we can shortly. I understand we’re to focus first on his correspondence with Congressman Bryant.
Yes, please.
You like him for this?
I don’t know yet. Early days. And he was locked up when Tom was killed.
Got it. Will be back to you ASAP.
Sam’s next text was on the secure BlackBerry she used to communicate with Nick. I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but I need an audience with your AG. What’s the best way to make that happen without it going through you?
Best question ever from my cop. Let me check with Terry and get back with you.
This conversation never happened.
Gotcha, babe. Miss you. Is it gonna be a late one?
I’m giving it a couple more hours, and then we’ll pick it up in the AM. What are my kiddos doing?
Playing Boggle with Eli and Candace.
Sam could picture them gathered in the third-floor conservatory and wished she were there with them. How are things with the Littles and Candace?
Seems a little better. Hard to tell. But the newlyweds have toned down the PDA.
We’re all thankful for that.
HAHA. Were we ever like that?
I think maybe we still are, but I can’t be sure…
I’ll ask Scotty.
His row of laughing emojis made her grin like the loon in love she was with him. She’d never had that with any other man. What would’ve seemed ridiculous to her before him was anything but now. Only he could make her forget, even if just for a few minutes, the grim reality she dealt with every day at work.
Chapter Four
Sam’s flip phone rang with a call from Darren Tabor, her reporter “friend” from the Washington Star.
“I’m calling about Forrester. What do we know?”
“Not much yet.”
“I’m hearing it might be tied to Bryant and that you and your team met with him. Any truth in that?”
“Early days, Darren. Early days.”
“You got anything for me? The murder of a U.S. Attorney is big news.”