Faith shook her head. “What a horrifying story.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever met a better candidate for witness protection or something like that.”
“She could walk away with her kids and never look back if someone helped her. I’ll see what I can do for her.”
“Even though she didn’t really give us anything we can use in court?”
“You never know what she might be able to do for us in the future. It’d be in our best interest to keep her safe—if for no other reason than she hasn’t been safe a day in her life since Willy Peckham set his sights on her when she was still a girl.”
Freddie came down the hallway. “Judge Corrinne Sawyer presided over the Peckham trial in the U.S. District Court here in DC. She now sits on the DC Court of Appeals. I spoke to the admin in her office, explained I had an urgent security briefing for the judge, and she had Sawyer call me. I filled her in on what we know so far. She’s requesting added security for her home and office.”
“Good work. Would you please see about a cheese pizza and a Coke for Amber? There’s cash in the top left-hand drawer in my office.”
“Thanks. Also, will you please issue the BOLO for Harlan Peckham?” Sam asked, referring to a “be on the lookout” alert. “I want everyone looking for him, especially Patrol in the Northwest quadrant. Make sure they know he’s armed and considered extremely dangerous.”
“Will do.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
After he walked away, Sam turned to Faith. “What would you think of me using Sawyer as bait to draw out Harlan Peckham?”
Faith’s brows lifted in surprise. “You want to use a federal appeals court judge to lure a killer?”
“You got a better idea? You heard what she said. Harlan Peckham doesn’t own a phone, so we’re not going to find him that way. Jesse Best told us he’s had survival training and can stay hidden for as long as it takes. He could be anywhere, lying in wait for a chance at her so he might finally have his father’s respect. I mean, if he kills, or tries to kill, the three people who his father believes were the most responsible for ruining their family, then maybe his daddy will finally respect him.”
“I hear you, and I see the motivation, but wouldn’t he be more interested in killing Avery, who built the case, than the prosecutor and judge?”
“Willy would view them as equally responsible.” Sam’s backbone tingled. “He’d probably feel it was enough to badly wound Avery, especially since he’d already put a massive scare into him by breaking into his home and holding his pregnant wife and son hostage.”
While Sam liked the idea more with every passing second, Faith still seemed skeptical. “How would you use the judge to lure him out?”
“I haven’t got that fully worked out yet, and of course I’d have to gauge her willingness, but I think it could work. If Harlan shows up carrying the nine-millimeter Glock that was used to kill Tom and shoot Avery, we’d have him nailed.”
“I agree, but I’m still not feeling the connection to the Peckhams. I like Damien Bryant for this much more.”
“We worked that from every angle, but I never got a buzz this strong.”
“A buzz?”
“You’re going to think I’m weird.”
“Too late. I already do.”
“Haha, but when I’m on to something, really on to it, I get this tingle along my backbone. I’ve learned to trust the tingle. I’ve got a huge buzz with Harlan Peckham’s name on it.”
“I’m not sure how I’d get something like this approved without an acting USA in place yet. We’d have to go to Cox.”
“He’d never approve it if I’m involved.”
“Approve what?”
Sam hopped to at the sound of the chief’s voice. “An idea I had, sir, that could lead to us capturing the man who killed Tom Forrester and shot Avery Hill.”
“What’s the idea?”
“To make a long story short, I believe it’s possible both instances were part of a three-part revenge tour to take out the people who busted a family crime ring in Kentucky years ago. Avery was undercover with the family early in his career. The case was transferred to the jurisdiction of the U.S. Attorney in DC with Tom prosecuting. Judge Corrinne Sawyer, who now sits on the circuit court of appeals, was the presiding district court judge. My idea would be to use Sawyer as bait to lure our suspect.”