“Released on bond this morning pending trial.”
“With or without monitoring?”
“Well, that’s unfortunate.” People on bail awaiting felony charges should always be monitored, in her opinion, especially if they had the resources to run and had ordered a murder, among other crimes. “Let’s go see him.”
Gonzo gave Vernon the address for Bryant’s local home in Adams Morgan. When they arrived after almost an hour in traffic, the place looked deserted.
“Big change from when we were here before,” Freddie said.
“How so?” Sam asked.
“It was surrounded by security and popping with activity.”
“Huh. I wonder if the congressman has been humbled by his arrest.”
“Nah,” Gonzo said. “He’s not the type for humility.”
“I’ll wait for you here,” Faith said. “Four of us might be too much.”
“We’ll try to be quick,” Sam said.
“I’ll check in with my sisters to see if there’s anything new.”
They went up the stone stairs to the three-story townhouse.
Freddie rang the bell.
“I wasn’t expecting a nice, normal doorbell at this place,” Sam said.
“It’s about the only thing about this guy that’s nice or normal,” Gonzo said.
When a short, middle-aged, bald man with dirty clothes, an unhealthy red complexion and the start of a beard came to the door, Sam glanced at Gonzo for confirmation that he was their guy.
Gonzo gave a subtle nod.
Sam showed him her badge. “Lieutenant Holland, Metro PD. I think you know my partners, Detective Cruz and Sergeant Gonzales.”
“I like how you introduce yourself, as if you’re just another cop.”
“I’m just another cop when I’m on the job.”
“Whatever you say. What do you want?”
“A few minutes of your time.”
He hesitated before he took a step back to admit them.
A stale, musty smell was her first impression.
Bryant led them past a kitchen that had dishes stacked in the sink and takeout boxes scattered about the countertop.
Sam made a face at Freddie, who nodded in agreement.
“What’s this about? I’ve already answered a million questions.”
“We have a few more.” Sam nudged a pile of clothes out of the way so she could sit on the sofa.