“Oh, he didn’t tell you about how he and his goons took Forrester’s family hostage and held them for days at a hotel while telling them that Tom was trying to keep them safe? Did he leave out that part of the story?”
The lawyer recoiled, probably in fear of losing his brand-new law license by associating with this guy. “Is that true?”
“I had nothing to do with that.”
Sam laughed at the absurdity. “So the men who worked for you got that idea all on their own?”
“You’d have to ask them.”
“We have. They say you told them to detain Forrester’s wife and daughters.”
“That’s a lie.”
“We don’t think it is.”
“What are they getting in return for telling you that?”
“What I want to know is what reason in the universe would they have for detaining Forrester’s family other than following orders that came right from you? How would they even know Forrester if they didn’t work for you?”
Bryant glared at her, but he seemed to have no answer.
“I’d, um, like a moment to confer with my client, please.”
Freddie turned off the recording and rolled Sam out of the room.
“Funny how Bryant never mentioned to his new attorney that he kidnapped Forrester’s family and held them hostage days before their husband and father was murdered.”
Freddie chuckled. “Ironic.”
Since it was inching closer to six, she looked up at him. “Go on home if you want. I can finish this.”
He leaned against the cinderblock wall. “I’ll stick around until we’re done with Bryant.”
“How’s Elin?”
“She’s good. Mostly back to her old self.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Miscarriage is a tough thing.”
“Sure is. I had no idea how tough until it happened to us.”
“You’re going to make me an aunt many times over. I feel it in my bones.”
“I’ve learned to trust your bones.”
Sam’s cell rang with a call from an unavailable number. “Lieutenant Holland.”
“This is Attorney General Cox’s office calling.”
“What can I do for you?” She mouthed the word Cox to Freddie.
“General Cox would like to see you.”
“As soon as possible.”
“It’ll have to be tomorrow.”