Page 58 of State of Suspense

“What’ve you decided to do about Cox?”

“I’m not sure yet. I really needed to talk to Bryant about him before I plan my next move.”

Gonzo came to the office door.

“What’s up?” Sam asked him.

“Rosemary Bryant and her son, Randy, who was supposed to turn himself in today, have gone dark. Their phones are going straight to voice mail.”

“Is it possible they’re on a plane?” Malone asked.

“They were booked on a flight early this morning, which landed at DCA on time, right around noon. The Patrol officers I sent to meet them said there was no sign of them. Rosemary knew our officers would be meeting them. I checked with the airline and confirmed they weren’t on the flight.”

“Shit,” Sam said. “Should we call in the marshals?”

“I already left a message for Jesse Best,” Gonzo said, referring to the agent in charge of the DC office. “I felt like the mom was playing it straight with me, but maybe when push came to shove, she freaked out about her son being charged with murder and ran.”

“What about their passports?” Malone asked.

“I’ve had them flagged.”

“Good work, Sarge,” Malone said. “Keep us posted on what you hear.”

“Will do.”

“Why can’t anything ever be simple and straightforward?” Sam asked Malone.

“Is that a rhetorical question?”

Sam glanced at her new watch and saw she had six minutes to get to the morgue for her fitting. “Gotta roll.”

“Where you off to, Speed Racer?”

“The morgue.”

“What goes on there?”

“Final dress fitting for tomorrow night.”

His lips quivered as he tried—and failed—to stop the laughter. “For real?”

“Very. Had to be done, and that’s the only way the whole place isn’t buzzing about it in five minutes.”

“Don’t let me keep you.”

“How do you feel about pushing the chair to the morgue for me?”

“Why is it that you need a ride?”

“No reason.”

“Just seems like a fun way to get around?”


She appreciated that he didn’t press the issue. Instead, he got behind the chair and wheeled her out of the pit and down the hallway toward the morgue.

“Any word on Dr. McNamara?” he asked.