“Would you like us to notify the public defender’s office for you?”
“God, no.”
“Mr. Bryant, do you have the resources to hire your own attorney or not?” Sam took great pleasure in the scowl he directed at her when she didn’t address him as Congressman Bryant.
“As I’ve mentioned, my assets were frozen.”
“Then I suppose you’ll need to reach out to the PD’s office since you can’t pay for representation.”
“How long will that take?”
“They’re often pretty backed up. Could take a few days.”
“I want a bail hearing.”
“That doesn’t happen until we have a conversation and an arraignment, and since you’re facing new charges after being released on bail the first time, I wouldn’t hold your breath on getting out of here any time soon.”
With that, she left Freddie to deal with the congressman, who screamed something at her that she ignored.
She lowered herself to the desk chair and scooted back to her office.
As she rounded the corner into the pit, Captain Malone came toward her, stopping short when he saw her in the chair.
“Dare I even ask?”
“Please don’t.”
“What the hell happened?”
“Bryant ran from us. I stopped him.”
“Do you need the ER?”
“Harry was here, and he checked me out.”
Malone gave her a skeptical look. “You should go home, Sam.”
“I’m not going home. Too much to do here. We’re getting nowhere fast on the Forrester investigation.”
“I was coming to ask if you’d be willing to brief the media.”
“We have less than nothing. I’ll take a beating out there. Give me twenty-four hours.”
“What did Bryant have to say?”
“He wants a lawyer, but his assets are frozen, so Freddie is calling the PD.”
“So he’ll be our guest for a day or two.”
“Looks that way. I want him held, pending trial. Who knows where he was going when I crashed into him? If we let him out, he’ll disappear.”
“I agree.”
“I’ll talk to Faith.”
“How’re they holding up?”
“Soldiering through, doing the job, but heartbroken.”