Sam again had to grit her teeth to keep from screaming as he wrapped the torture device around her injured wrist.
“Come home as soon as possible so you don’t compound the injury.”
“I will.”
“Anything else?”
“That’s it.”
“Are you sure?”
She never blinked as she looked him in the eye. “Positive.”
“Please be careful.”
“I will. Thanks for coming.”
“Any time.”
“Don’t tell Nick about this.”
“Don’t ask me to keep secrets from my boss and friend.”
“I’m your friend, too.”
“I won’t tell him, but you should. Soon. You know how he feels about you keeping stuff from him.”
“I’ll tell him when I get home. He’s got enough on his plate without worrying about me.”
She could tell there was more Harry wanted to say, but he only nodded, grabbed his bag and left the room. If it wouldn’t have hurt more than she could bear, she would’ve removed the Ace bandage the second he was gone.
Freddie came to the door, registered that her hand and arm were wrapped in an Ace bandage, but didn’t comment. “We’ve got some new info from the others. They’re ready to brief in the conference room.”
“I’ll be right there.”
“Should you maybe go home?”
“Nope.” She gestured for him to move and then followed him into the conference room, trying not to cry from the pain radiating from multiple sources. What did it say about her that taking down one measly suspect caused so many injuries? She was getting old. That’s what it said.
A quick glance at the wall clock in the conference room showed she had forty-five minutes until her meeting with Marcus in the morgue. How in the hell had another day gotten so completely away from her?
“What are we hearing about Dr. McNamara?” Gonzo asked.
Sam assumed he was being more formal due to the presence of detectives from outside their squad. “Nothing new yet. Dr. Tomlinson has promised to update us when he hears something. Where’s the congressman?”
“He’s being booked on new charges,” Freddie said.
“I want him in an interrogation room as soon as he’s through intake.”
“I’ll see to that,” Freddie said.
He walked out of the room.
“What does everyone else have?” Sam asked.
“Are you all right, Lieutenant?” her friend Detective Erica Lucas asked.
“I’m fine.” She used her left hand to encourage them to get on with it.