Page 23 of State of Suspense

“We did, despite everything.”

“I was so sorry to hear about the shooting at Fort Liberty. What a tragedy that was.”


“Will you be traveling there this week?”

“Not right away. There was some pushback to a visit at this moment.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“We understand the rationale.” The shooter had reportedly objected to being offered a dishonorable discharge for his refusal to serve under an unelected president. As such, the brass at Fort Liberty had thought this might not be the time for the unelected president and first lady to make a condolence visit.

“I’ll let you get to interviewing the AG, of all people. Let me know how that goes.”

“Will do.”

“Have a good evening.”

“You do the same.”

“How is he?” Freddie asked after she’d slapped the phone closed.

“He said he’s having the time of his life.”

“I’ll bet. Stahl is a nightmare for the entire department. Everywhere I go, people ask me if I knew him and if I had any idea what he was really doing, as if I wouldn’t have done something about it had I known.”

“No kidding. I hate when the shit that other people do bounces back on the rest of us. In other news, the chief is assigning three more detectives to our squad for this case and making Jeannie available to us as well.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“I have mixed feelings. More people makes for more complications.”

Vernon turned to her. “We’ve found another way into the building, but we’re going on foot. Is that all right?”

“Whatever it takes.” Sam wanted to get this done and go home. “How far is it?”

“Just a couple of blocks, and it’s clear.”

“Then let’s do it.”

They emerged from the SUV and headed toward the corner, with Vernon leading the way and Jimmy bringing up the rear. At times like this, Sam found the constraints of having a detail almost comical. Here they were, highly trained police officers, being escorted through Georgetown by federal agents as if they couldn’t get themselves to their destination safely.

Nick had offered to resign the presidency if she couldn’t bear to have a detail. Since she couldn’t let him do that, she’d agreed to the added security. It had turned out to be not so bad, thanks to Vernon and Jimmy. They were great about rolling with her and were fun to be with. It was only at times like this, being escorted by them as if she couldn’t take care of herself, that the new realities rankled.

“I hope no one else on the job sees us,” Sam muttered to Freddie.

“I knew you were thinking that very thing.”

“If you laugh, I’ll smack you.”

“I’m not laughing.”

“But you want to.”

“You said that, not me.”

Sam hoped the scowl she directed his way would shut down the conversation.