Page 22 of State of Suspense

As they approached Georgetown, traffic slowed nearly to a stop, which only added to her frustration. She leaned forward to see what was causing the delay and was shocked to see media trucks lining the street. “Motherfucker.”

“They probably figured you’d get here eventually,” Vernon said.

“Is there a way to get me in there without it turning into a complete spectacle?”

“Let me see what we can do.” Vernon took a right turn and pulled onto a side street off M, the main drag through Georgetown.

While he made a call and explained the situation, she forced herself to be patient, to allow the agents to do their jobs so she could do hers.

Remember how much you love Nick, how you’d do anything for him, even when his job interferes with yours.

While she waited, she put her head back against the seat and closed her eyes so she could revisit some of the better parts of their recent vacation, such as when they’d exchanged the perfect gifts. He’d given her a gorgeous platinum watch, engraved with his thanks for the best two years of his life. She’d given him a T-shirt that said I love you more. The end. I win.

As she ran her fingers over the watch, she smiled, recalling that day and the others they’d spent alone at the beach. Being with him made her happier than anything ever had, and it had gotten even better when their kids joined them for the final weekend. After years of painful infertility struggles, she now had three kids to call her own, as well as a bonus son in Eli and now his wife, too. They had the family of their dreams, even if none of it had happened the conventional way.

What did convention matter when their White House was full of love?

And what did she care about a few delays on the job when she had him and their children to go home to at the end of every hard day on the job? So what if “home” these days was the freaking White House? Her dad used to tell Sam and her sisters to enjoy the moment, because all things, even the best of things, were temporary.

She hated to acknowledge that was true, which was why she tried to live every day to the fullest, to make sure the people she loved knew she loved them and to do her best in all things.

Her ringing phone interrupted the philosophical direction her thoughts had taken. She sat up a little straighter when she saw Chief Farnsworth’s name on her caller ID.

“Hello, sir.”

“What’s the latest on the Forrester investigation, Lieutenant?”

“I’m about to interview the AG at his home in Georgetown.”

“As in the actual Attorney General of the United States?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’m under tremendous pressure to bring the Feds into this investigation.”

“As am I, sir.”

“I’m assigning several other detectives to your team for the time being. Please use them to move this along as quickly as possible.”

Sam wanted to plead with him not to do that, but she knew better than to question him. “Who’s coming to Homicide?”

“Detectives Lucas and Harper from SVU and Coheeny from Explosives. I’ve asked them to report to your pit at zero seven hundred. Deputy Chief McBride has also made herself available as needed to assist.”

“We appreciate the help. I’ve got O’Brien and Charles chasing down the new owner of Stahl’s storage unit. I’m planning to let them see that through since they’re close.”

“That’s fine. We’ve got a matter of days, Lieutenant, if that, before the Feds take over. Let’s make them count.”

“Yes, sir. If I could ask… How are you?” He’d been under enormous stress since the latest news about Stahl had come to light, and Sam was worried about her beloved uncle.

“Having the time of my life.”

Sam smiled at the expected reply. “I hope you’re taking care of yourself.”

“Marti is seeing to that. She’s hovering over me like a mother hen.”


“Hope you got to relax a little on the vacation.”