“So easy.”
He smiled as he kissed her. “Where you’re concerned.”
“I like you that way.”
“I like you all the ways.”
“Nice how that works out, huh?”
“Mmmm, so nice. Don’t stop.”
“I won’t. Don’t worry.”
Nicoletta was devastated and infuriated. If only that bitch hadn’t been there, she might’ve had a chance at persuading her son to give her another chance.
She hated that woman’s guts and couldn’t imagine what her gorgeous son saw in her.
Her heart ached over how close she’d come to having him back in her life.
Collins kept an arm around her in the car on the way back to the Four Seasons, where he’d booked an opulent suite for their stay in DC.
She’d held out a secret hope that they might relocate to the White House after the meeting, but that’s not what’d happened.
And it was all her fault.
“I’m sorry you had to witness that. My daughter-in-law has it in for me.”
“She only asked a one-word question, so I didn’t notice her having it in for you.”
“You don’t know her like I do.”
His deep sigh sent a shiver of fear down her spine. What if he was so disgusted by what he’d just seen that he cut ties with her? What would she do then? Other than one last small nest egg stashed in the Caymans, she had no resources left and no way to make a living after her recent incarceration.
Over the last couple of weeks, she’d begun to rely on Collins to fix things for her. Would he still be willing to do that after witnessing such ugliness with her son and his wife? It’d been a mistake to let him come with her. She knew that now.
Her son had changed. In the past, he would’ve lapped up whatever attention she tossed his way, but the power had clearly gone to his head if he thought he could talk to his mother the way he had. Who did he think he was, anyway?
Back at the hotel, they walked to the elevators in silence that further unnerved her. What was Collins thinking? Was he done with her now that she’d failed to ingratiate herself with her son, the president? Since he’d taken such an intense interest in her, she’d wondered if it was really about access to power. Without that, would he still care about what happened to her?
She didn’t know, which made her feel panicky.
Inside their deluxe rooms, he removed his suit coat and tie and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt. He was the most devastatingly handsome man she’d ever met and held the distinction of being the only man she’d ever truly been attracted to.
So far, he’d been a perfect gentleman with her, going so far as to book a suite with two bedrooms. Nicoletta wished he would stop being so polite.
He poured drinks and brought them to the sofa where she’d settled.
“Thank you,” she said, taking the wine glass from him. “What’re you thinking?”
“I’m sorry things didn’t work out as you’d hoped.”
Nicoletta gave a harsh chuckle. “I never stood a chance with that woman in the room.”
“It wasn’t her fault, Nicoletta.”
“She’s poisoned him against me.”
“No, my dear, you did that all on your own.”