Page 211 of State of Suspense

“You know it.” She pulled off his tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt before going to work on his cuff links.

“Don’t lose them. I have to go home looking presentable.”

“I won’t lose them.”

With her uninjured hand, she tugged at his belt and had him down to his boxer briefs in a matter of seconds. Not bad for one good hand.

“Let me catch up.”


He removed her sweater and bra and then her pants while she kicked off the shoe boots that had made her two inches taller than usual. With his arms around her, he brought her in tight against him, her breasts flat against his chest.

As he kissed her neck and made her sigh, he said, “It’s because of you, you know.”

“What is?”

“That I was able to send her packing. I don’t need her anymore because I have you and our kids and our family and so many people who care about me. But it’s mostly because of you, because I know that no matter what, I’ll always have you and this.”

“Yes, you will, and we love you more than anything in this world.”

“I’d never had that before you. I mean, Graham and Laine… They were the best, and they did what they could to fill the void, but they weren’t really mine. They were on loan to me through John.”

“They love you.”

“And I love them, but it’s different having my own people. I didn’t know that until I had you, my very own person to love who loved me right back. That’s what made all the difference.”

“You’ve shown me how much is possible, things I never dreamed for myself.”

“Same, babe.” He guided her onto the bed and came down on top of her, gazing into her gorgeous blue eyes. “I believe I promised you a reward for sitting through that encounter.”

“Yes, you did.”

After placing her arms over her head, he set out to kiss every inch of soft skin he could reach, which drove her wild.

He liked her this way, uninhibited, untroubled—for the moment, anyway—with her attention undivided and focused exclusively on him. How lucky was he to have a woman like her love him the way she did?

The luckiest, and he set out to show her that with his lips, tongue and teeth, until she was all but begging him to give her more.

Not until she’d given him what he wanted, which was at least one orgasm.

He propped her right leg on his shoulder and gave her his tongue and fingers, the combination always working quickly to take her right over the edge.

This time was no different.

She gasped and thrashed and let loose with whispered words of love that went straight to his heart.

“Nick… Please.”

He was happy to give her anything she wanted, pushing into her in one deep thrust that had her biting her lip to keep from screaming. They were always aware of their agents nearby, which was a drag at times like this.

Her fingers dug into his back as her legs encircled his waist.

This was the best thing in life. She and their kids were the best thing in his life.

She looked up at him with big blue eyes. “You took over my seduction.”

“I’m seduced the minute you walk into the room.”