“Because what fun would that be if they made it too easy for us?”
Her partner gave her a sour look.
Gonzo grunted out a laugh. “What’s our next move, boss?”
“Freddie and I are going to see the AG. Can you work on the text traffic?” Sam checked her watch and saw it was getting close to five thirty. “Let’s give it two more hours, and then we’ll pick it up in the AM.”
“Should we have someone work overnight to keep the Feds from taking over?” Gonzo asked.
Sam sighed as she decided he was probably right. “Good point. Call in Dani and Gigi to take over from where we leave off.”
“Cam and Gigi were away for the weekend,” Gonzo said, “but they should be back by now. I’ll get Gigi and Dani up to speed.”
“Thanks.” She gestured for Freddie to come with her.
“I can’t believe we get to interview the actual AG,” he said after they’d grabbed their coats to head for the morgue entrance.
“He puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like you do.”
“Okay, then. So we’re not allowed to be impressed by the AG.”
Sam shrugged. “Whatever. He’s just another witness to me.” She gave Vernon the address for Cox’s Georgetown building.
“I’m sure you’re not just another cop to him.”
“I really hope that’s how he treats me.”
“Do you think it could become a thing if the media catches wind of you interviewing him as part of a case?”
“So what if it does? I’m just doing my job.”
“Uh, okay.”
“What is it you want to say, my grasshopper?”
“There’s nothing at all routine about the first lady, in her capacity as a homicide detective, interviewing the U.S. Attorney General as a potential witness in the murder of a U.S. Attorney.”
Vernon let out a low whistle. “What he said.”
“You’re supposed to be on my side at all times.”
Vernon glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “I am, except for when I’m on his.”
Freddie chuckled.
Sam glared at him. “That’s not funny.”
“Yes, it is.”
“I also agree with him that once the media catches wind of this interview, there’ll be intense interest,” Vernon said. “Jimmy is calling in some reinforcements to meet us in Georgetown.”
Sam couldn’t believe he thought that was necessary. “Seriously?”
Vernon met her gaze in the mirror. “Dead seriously.”
The need for extra security annoyed her. She knew they were just doing their jobs, but she wished she could simply do hers, the way she used to. As soon as she had that thought, she felt guilty because the reason she couldn’t do her job the way she used to was because her beloved husband had become president under the craziest of circumstances. Even months later, surrounded by a Secret Service detail, Sam had to constantly remind herself that she was putting up with the inconvenience because he’d asked her to.
Sam was incredibly proud of Nick, but his “promotion” had also changed everything for her, and not always in a good way.