“Poor guy.”
“It’s been a lot for him in just a couple of days.”
“For all of you. We’re all so thankful you’re all right.”
“What’s the latest on the investigation?”
“We’re going to use Judge Sawyer to lure out Harlan Peckham.”
“And she went for that?”
“She wants him caught as much as we do. With two-thirds of the key players having already been shot, she’s not looking to be next.”
“Are they watching her closely?”
“She and her family are surrounded by security, which is another reason she’s eager to be done with this.”
“What’s the plan?”
“We’re going to stage her coming out of church on Sunday, surrounded by ‘congregants,’ who’ll be our people. We’re working with your people and our Emergency Response Team.”
“How will it work?”
Sam talked through the gist of her plan with him, covering every angle from when Corrinne arrived at the church through to when she came out, surrounded by people who’d appear to be friends and acquaintances, but who’d actually be cops.
“Where will her family be?”
“She said she and her husband frequently ‘divide and conquer’ on the weekends, based on the kids’ activities. So we’re going to have them not be there that day.”
“And the rest of the congregation?”
“At the request of the pastor, they’ll be notified of what’s going on and asked to depart out the back, if they choose to come to church at all that day. They’re also being asked to tell no one about what we’re doing.”
Avery winced. “I don’t like that.”
“I didn’t either, but our thought is that no one at the church knows Harlan Peckham, and he runs around without a phone, so there’s really no way for him to find out about it even if it leaks.”
“I guess that’s true. What if he doesn’t show? What then?”
“A campsite was found today in Rock Creek Park that may be his. If so, we’re thinking he’s now without shelter or access to food and other supplies. By Sunday, I figure he’ll be wanting to get this done so he can get out of here. If he doesn’t show, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
“This guy is dangerous, Sam. Make sure everyone knows he’s capable of killing with his bare hands. I’ve seen him do it.”
Sam could see he was getting tired. “I’ll pass that along.”
“He also wears his hair in a braid down his back. I’ve never seen him any other way but with the braid. He must’ve tucked it into his hat when he shot Tom.”
Sam made a note. “That’s a good detail. Thanks.”
“I’ll let you know if I think of anything else that might help.”
“You know how to find me.”
“I’m still hoping to get us out of here soon.”
“Don’t worry about that. Stay here and let the staff pamper you and Shelby for a while longer.”
“They’re spoiling us rotten.”