Page 182 of State of Suspense

Bryant’s expression went blank as he blinked and swallowed. “I don’t know him.”

“Come on. Your entire demeanor changed when I mentioned his name. Who is he?”

“He works for Cox.”

“I already know that. Who is he to you?”

“No one. I know him through his boss. That’s it.”

“Damien, I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t believe you. In fact, I believe you know Henry Allston very, very well, and you know exactly what he and Cox are up to.”

“What’s in it for me to rat out the AG and his stooge?”

“Depends on what you tell us.”

Bryant shook his head. “I want the incentive package first.”

Sam glared at him for a hot second before she got up and left the room to call Faith. “Bryant has info about Cox and his shady assistant, Henry Allston. He’s looking for a deal.”

“Do you think he’s got the goods?”

“I’m not sure. How about you come over and listen to what he has to say with the goal of getting him to roll on Cox?”

“I’ll be there in ten.”

While Sam waited for her, she called her sister Angela. “Hey, how’s it going?”

“It’s been a tough day. Ella has an ear infection, and Jack is extra sad today. I’ve got the worst heartburn I’ve ever had, and the baby is having a party in there. Other than that…”

“I’m sorry, Ang. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

“You’ve got your own hands full. I’ll get through it. Everything is harder without him.”

Sam’s heart ached for her sister. “I wish I knew what to say.”

“I appreciate you checking on me—and connecting me to Roni. She’s been an amazing source of support.”

“I’m so glad to hear that. She’s the best.”

“She is. One of these days, I might even check out her Wild Widows.”

“I hope you do. She says they’re awesome.”

“I talked to her friend Iris, who was also left with three little kids when her husband died. That helped. At least I know I’m not actually insane, despite how I might feel at times.”

“You’re doing great. Spence would be so proud of you.”

“I guess.”

“He would be. We all are.”

“Thanks.” She sniffed. “I’d give anything for this to not have happened.”

“Me, too. Everyone who loves you and your kids would give anything to have him back.”

“I got your message about the hearing tomorrow. I want to go, but I’m just not sure I’m up to it.”

“I’ll be there, so don’t feel pressured to come.”