I was surprised that whole thing didn’t give me a heart attack, and it didn’t help that it had ended as quickly as it started. “I’m good. Thank you for showing up so fast.”
“Any time. Call us if you need us.” Rohde gave us all a wave, and was walking away as I closed the door behind him.
I leaned back and willed my heart to slow, as I stared at Sylvie. It was tempting to toss accusations at her. To ask what the fuck. To simply say why are you with that asshole? Because I suspected that wasn’t the last of Peter. None of those would help, and as much as I wasn’t in the mood to be the bigger person, I was going to do it anyway. “Are you okay?”
“So if that one’s your fiancé”—she pointed at Brodie—“who’s that one?” She looked at Clint.
Seriously? That was her response? “Did you just ask me that? You woke me up at two in the morning, screaming at some dickwad you thought it was a good idea to marry, and quit your job for, and you’re going to ask me that.”
I couldn’t take the words back, and I didn’t want to.
“No.” Sylvie’s voice was instantly meek, and she seemed to withdraw on herself. “I’m sorry.”
The damage was done, and I wasn’t in the mood for this tonight. I turned on my toe without another word, and walked into my bedroom to grab my phone. I called the motel down the street, which I had the number for because Elaina worked there.
She answered—that was something to be grateful for. “Tell me you have a vacancy,” I said.
“Hey. I do. Rohde said he was just there. Are you all right?”
And Rohde saw me with Clint and Brodie. And Rohde was the biggest gossip…
I’d deal with that if it became a bigger problem than the ache growing behind my eyes. I walked into the living room again as I talked. “Sylvie’s coming to stay in that empty room.”
“Aubrey, please?—”
“Right now.” I cut Sylvie off.
“I’ll have a key waiting for her,” Elaina said. “You sure you’re all right?”
No. I had no idea what the fuck was going on with my sister, and that meant I didn’t know if I was being the biggest bitch ever, or if this was the right kind of tough love. “I’m not sure.”
“Okay. I’ll see Sylvie soon.” Elaina hung up.
Sylvie fixed me with a sad look, and I couldn’t ignore the unshed tears in her eyes. She turned and headed into the guest room.
“I’ll drive her, so she gets there safely.” Brodie brushed his fingers over my cheek.
The motel was only a few blocks away, but that sounded like a good idea. I didn’t want him to go, but the night was over at this point. “Thank you.”
He headed into my room, I assumed to get the rest of his clothes, and Sylvie emerged before he did, rolling her suitcase with her.
“I didn’t mean…” She sighed. “I’m sorry.”
I pulled her into a hug. “Go sleep in the motel. Don’t talk to Peter. We’ll catch up tomorrow when we’ve both had a chance to cool down.”
Sylvie sniffled.
When they were gone, Clint rested his hands on my hips. “Do you want me to stay here tonight?”
I shook my head. “Yes, but no. Thank you for helping her.”
“Of course.” He kissed the top of my head, and he was on his way too.
What was I going to do about my sister?
Brodie texted me a short while after he left to say Sylvie was safe in her motel room, and that Elaina promised to keep an eye out, since she was working the overnight shift.
I was too worried about Sylvie to sleep much, and I was grateful when morning arrived and I could stop trying.