Page 68 of Pin-up Girl

Neva scowled.

Risa smirked. “This is how I solved both problems, at least a little. On the cards, you’ll see a few questions asking for your opinion. No studying needed, and no wrong answers.”

Evie huffed and crossed her arms, but her smile showed through.

“For each question, you think about the cake you just had, and answer on a scale of one to five. Five is the best. At the end, I tally up all the scores, and we have our winner… with the bride’s right at final say, of course.”

“Of course,” Alys said.

We all dug into the tiny squares of lemon cake. Our voting options were to give an overall score, and individual scores for icing, cake flavor, balance between the two, and would we eat another slice right away.

Evie nudged her cake aside without taking a bite. “I’m sure you’re an incredible baker, and I’m excited for the other flavors, but lemon doesn’t go in cake.”

“Freak.” At least, that was what it sounded like Alys said with a mouthful of cake.

“More for us.” Elaina grinned.

Evie shrugged. “At least I like cream cheese frosting, which is normal for cake.” She gave Alys a pointed and exaggerated glare.

Alys finished her bite. “In other words, you’re twice the freak.” She grabbed Evie’s cake and ate that, too.

The teasing was all light and good natured, and none of it surprised me. It was impossible to be friends with people for as long as I’d known Alys and Evie, and not have at least a little idea of what kind of cake they liked. We ranked the lemon and handed the cards back, and Elaina gathered our plates into a neat pile in the middle of the table.

“Next up, I’ll assume Alys doesn’t want to try the red velvet with cream cheese frosting,” Risa and Neva dished out the new slices.

Alys wrinkled her nose. “I will pass, yes.”

“Glazed is more her style,” I teased.

A wave of snickers rolled around the table, and Alys blew me a kiss. “You’d know.”

I pretended to snatch the kiss out of mid-air, then rub it all over my face.

Neva huffed her disapproval.

Sylvie sighed loudly, but the corners of her mouth were threatening to tug up. “Red velvet isn’t going to work great with the colors I’ve picked.”

Risa gave her a surprised look. “Peter called me earlier, and said you wanted it added to the list.”

“Oh. Okay.” Like that, Sylvie’s expression went blank.

Ravyn took her slice and poked at it. “What is that, Sylvie? Oh? If you don’t want red velvet, veto it now.”

“What Ravyn said.” Evie chimed in. “It’s your wedding. You get a vote.”

“So does Peter.” Sylvie’s voice went hard. “We should at least taste it.”

Alys opened her mouth.

“It’s not a big deal. If you don’t like cream cheese frosting, don’t try it.” Sylvie talked over her.

Elaina shot me a raised eyebrow look while Sylvie was turned away.

I shrugged. As much as I hated seeing Sylvie act like this, I had her back. I had to go by what she said she wanted.

“Did you decide on a dress yet?” Alys asked as the rest of us ate cake.

I said, yes at the same time Sylvie said no, and more surprised looks made their way round the table.