Page 62 of Pin-up Girl

No reason to let her ruin my day. “Hey,” I answered. “I’m packing up the truck now, and I’ll be up in a few hours.” Like we talked about. I wouldn’t be passive aggressive or give her any openings to pick a fight.

“Is now a good time to talk?” Regina asked.

Fuck. “If you’re going to tell me what’s going on, then yes.”

“I’m moving to San Francisco.”

I started to laugh, but cut off the reaction, as the words played in my head again. Did she just say… “Excuse me? Say again?”

“I’ve been offered an assistant art director position with the San Francisco Ballet.” Her cool tone didn’t hide the underlying excitement.

She was… I’d heard. I understood. But I didn’t want to. This wasn’t about me, as much as it called to my past. “You’re not taking Dee with you.”

“I thought about it.” Her huff was bitter amusement. “In a way I hoped this health scare would be a reason for me to do so. But you have her covered. She’ll stay with you.”

“What about school? Custody? All of it?”

“Isn’t this what you want?”

My anger was overriding my disbelief. I may have problems with Regina, but she was still Dee’s mother, and Dee still looked up to and adored her. And all of that was with me ignoring that if the conversation was reversed… When the conversation had been reversed… “Have you told her?”

“No. Let her stay with me the rest of the week, please.” Her tone was firm rather than pleading. “Come pick her up on Sunday and we’ll tell her then.”

I had so many issues with this. “How are you going to explain to Dee why I haven’t brought the rest of her stuff?”

“I’ll tell her you were busy.”

Anger bled toward fury. “You absolutely will fucking not. I’ll drive up there today and we’ll tell her today.”

“Clint.” Regina let out a heavy sigh. “You win. Why are you fighting me on any of it? We can talk about holiday custody when you come up to get her.”

I hadn’t won though. Sure, I had more custody. I could spend more time with my daughter. But I didn’t want it under these circumstances.


I hung up with Regina and immediately sent Dee a text.

Me: Your mom asked me to wait to bring up your stuff, so the two of you could spend more time together.

It was tempting to go behind Regina’s back and tell Dee now, but I wouldn’t do that unless I could be there with her.

I hated keeping this kind of secret.

The specifics about the job had me furious too. I’d auditioned for San Francisco years ago, when I was in the kind of shape that let me dance professionally, and before Dee was born. I’d nailed the audition, and everything in my interactions with the company said the job would be mine.

The way Regina hit it off with the at-the-time assistant art director should have only helped my chances.

That was the first of many auditions that didn’t end the way they should have. Regina denied being at fault to this day, and it was possible I had already peaked, but I was certain she’d said something to the guy in San Francisco—and everywhere else—to keep me from getting the job.

Was it a coincidence that the person in question was now the director in San Francisco?

If I was pettier, I would have asked Regina how long they’d been fucking, and if her current love knew.

Dee’s reply to my text came through.

Dee: K. Mom is taking me shopping. Alpine coaster. Lagoon tomorrow.

At least Regina was spending time with her.