Page 55 of Pin-up Girl

We made it through three quarters of the story without any more luck. Mac and cheese wasn’t any sexier than it had been yesterday, and we both agreed electrical tape wasn’t the best way to bind me. Not for our purposes anyway.

My desire had all-but evaporated, and I was getting ready to suggest we call this experiment a failure, when my gaze landed on something black and satin. I grabbed the sleep mask. “This has potential.”

Clint tilted his head to one side, studying me and my discovery, then snatched the package from my hand. “Sold. What next?”

“I already did the thinking. Your turn.”

He spun in a circle in the middle of the aisle, once, then twice, then stopping and pressing his hand to his forehead.

“Did you make yourself dizzy?” I was amused.

“No. Yes. What’s that?” He walked away from me.

I followed him to a section of home decor goods so tiny, it only took up two columns of pegs.

Clint grabbed a package of soft rope from one of them and showed it to me.

Okay, so this might be a good idea after all. “Sold,” I mimicked his comment from earlier. “What about over there?” I pointed to the far wall, which was lined with kitchen utensils.

“I’ve always liked the way you think.”

A short while later, we were back in my apartment with our finds, which also included wooden spoons, a large spatula, and a personal body massager. Not the kind that was very obviously meant to be a vibrator, but an awkwardly shaped round thing that seemed to actually be for the neck and shoulders.

I had my doubts that it would even work, but like everything else it was only a dollar, so we’d decided to try it.

Clint and I stood in my bedroom, the bag of goodies on my desk, and our shoes resting by the open bedroom door.

My curiosity and want was slipping in again, spurred by a vivid imagination whispering about the types of naughtiness we could get up to. Except, “What now?”

“One more rule first,” Clint said.

“Such as?”

“Either one of us can stop any time. During. After. Some people get off on no, stop, and that’s fine for them if it’s consensual. That’s not me. If you tell me no, I’ll stop.”

Something I didn’t realize I needed to hear, that was a relief. “Okay. Agreed. What else?”

He raked his gaze over me, and kicked my bedroom door shut. “Take off your clothes.”



There was a command in Clint’s voice that sent shivers of delight through me, and like that, my anticipation was more intense than before.

“I didn’t think you liked to watch.” I unbuttoned the first two closures on my blouse.

“It has its place, and I’ll be participating soon enough.”

Working my way down the front of my top, I undid each button along the way, then let it slide from my shoulders, and draped it over the back of my desk chair. I undid my capris next, and let them fall to the ground before bending at the waist to grab them and place them with my shirt.

With each piece removed, my skin burned hotter with need. I stood in front of Clint in just a bra and panties, want pooling in my belly.

“All of it.” He snapped his fingers.

I smirked. “I’m working on it.” I unsnapped my bra and let it fall away, then finally stepped out of my panties, adding both to the pile. The air kissed the already damp skin between my legs, and the way he watched me made me clench my thighs together.

The gesture did nothing to quench the growing pulse.