She raised her skirt, as he guided her onto his lap, and slipped inside her as she sat.
I made myself comfortable in the chair, so I could enjoy the show. Watching them together was a sweet-tart blend of incredible and enviable. Seeing the expressions cross her face as he reached under her shirt to knead her breasts.
The way my dick twitched, it was tempting to stroke while I watched, but there was no way I could do that so soon after coming.
Being on the outside as they build toward a frantic climax, was the perfect coda. The way passion and pleasure intertwined between them.
Hearing Aubrey again, for another orgasm.
And then watching them slow to a stop.
Did this really just happen?
The silence settled in again. The most unfortunate thing about having sex in Aubrey’s back room, as opposed to someone’s house, was there was no place to cuddle.
Which we didn’t need to be doing. What I should be doing instead was getting the condom off, making sure Aubrey was good, and getting back to life. I erased any other thoughts, stood, and walked to her and Brodie. “Can you stand?” I offered her my hand.
She accepted and I pulled her to her feet.
Brodie waved us off. “I’m gonna need another minute.”
That was fine with me. We left him behind and I led Aubrey into the restroom. It was a single room with a toilet, a sink, and a mirror. With no one else in the shop, there was no reason to close and lock the door. Especially with Brodie needing to get to a sink as well.
I held Aubrey while I cleaned us both up, and I couldn’t help but watch her reactions in the mirror. The way her lips parted slightly. The soft smile on her face. All of it went perfectly with the tiny sighs that escaped her throat, the longer she leaned against me.
“Good?” I asked as I finished.
I kissed the back of her neck one more time. Would we do this again? Fuck, I already wanted to.
“What now?” Aubrey asked.
Wait half an hour and do some more fucking. Not a reasonable answer. “As in, how do we spend the rest of our evening?”
“As in between us. Physically.”
You’re my wife. Is there anything else to say? Yeah, no. Not the right answer. “We’re still what we were before. I make no assumptions about what will or won’t happen going forward. Though, I want it—I want you—again.” I did anyway. There was no hiding it from myself anymore. Especially now that I knew how good we could be together.
And that there was a side to Aubrey that she wasn’t showing anyone else. “Before that, maybe we have a conversation, or three, about what we both like in the bedroom.”
Her smile, mischievous and playful, shone in her reflection and drove straight to my cock. “Good idea.”
“What do you and Brodie have? What’s actually there?” I could pretend that fake engagement was as far as their relationship went, but neither of them hesitated a whole lot to lose their clothes in front of each other or to fuck each other.
And neither seemed to have an issue that I was so much a part of it.
Aubrey shook her head. “Undefined? We’ve talked a lot online. For years. We’ve never been together in person, but the conversations…”
Jealousy and desire surged inside me in such a potent blend, I nearly stumbled.
“But…?” Brodie’s question startled me. He’d joined us and was leaning against the doorframe. How long had he been there?
Aubrey glanced at him and then met my gaze in the mirror again. “It’s a distinct possibility there will be more. You have to understand though, both of you, that I’m not looking for anything marriage related long-term. The wedding… The engagement… They serve their purposes. They’re not real.”
Despite knowing it was true, I didn’t like the way the words sounded.
“I can’t believe the two of you are married.” Brodie’s voice was hard to read.