Page 33 of Pin-up Girl

“That I like your company? No.”

I grinned. “That you don’t have anywhere else to be. Is it weird having no schedule?”

“Oh. Yeah, I’m not adjusting to that well.” His tone dropped.

I didn’t want to ruin the mood. “In that case, I’ll help keep you busy.” I grabbed his hand, and led him inside.

Clint was waiting on a stool next to the register.

My brain glitched, and I tried to be subtle about letting my hand fall from Brodie’s. I couldn’t say why except that Clint hadn’t reacted well when I told him about the engagement. Even when I told him it was fake.

He glanced down at Brodie’s and my hands, then up to my face again, his expression blank.

The awkwardness I’d felt earlier rushed back, amplified by a thousand.

“Hey.” Brodie’s cheer sounded weak. “How’s it going, Clint?”

“Same day, different shit.” Clint was cool.

“Sylvie wants me to choreograph her wedding dance.” I blurted out the words. “We were going to watch some videos…” I trailed off. That wasn’t what we were going to do at all. Why did I say that? I didn’t need to make up a story. Clint didn’t even ask what we were up to.

Clint raised his brows—his first hint of emotion since we walked in. “You could ask me.”

Right. Fuck. He used to do choreography, and the man had range. He knew so many styles and steps. “Can you help me make up a dance for my sister and her wedding? She wants simple-but-flashy.” I stopped myself before I slid into another unnecessary ramble.

Clint smirked. “I’d love to. Dee is staying over at a friend’s house, so I’m free right now if you’d like.”

He was never free during the week in the summer. What was I going to say besides yes? Not can we do it another night?

I should. I was about to spend time with Brodie.

“Mind if I watch?” Brodie asked. Were he and Clint staring each other down?

“Never have,” Clint said.

What was happening? “Great. Awesome. Go team.” I gave a fake cheer.

Clint reached between Brodie and I to grab my hand. “I do need to borrow you for a few minutes, first. We need to talk.”

“Right. You came by for a reason.” I let Clint tug me toward the back room, and looked over my shoulder. “Only be a minute or so,” I said to Brodie.

“No naughty stuff with my fiancée,” He called after us.

“With my wife,” Clint muttered so softly I wasn’t sure I heard him right. We stopped a little way into the other room, and he turned to me. “Is he serious?”

Probably more than I wanted to admit. “He’s playing a part.” But I knew better.

“Uh-huh. Real fast, your insurance company called me today, asking about our addresses. I tried to call you…”

I’d turned my phone off so Grandma wouldn’t bitch at me for calls coming in during lunch, and forgot to turn it back on. “Sorry. Hang on.” I pulled the device from my purse, and powered it up to find multiple messages. One from Clint asking me to call him back, and another from the insurance company saying for the policy to cover a stepchild, they needed to be my dependent. I needed to be living at the same address as Dee..

“Fucking…” I silenced the curse with a sigh.

“When are you moving in?” Clint teased. “But seriously, tell the insurance company you live with me. Have another bill sent there too if you need, and I’ll make sure your mail gets back to you.”

It was a good solution. Simple and straightforward, and I could keep having most things sent here, because it was also my business.

How many more things would come up around this? What else hadn’t we thought of?