What was I missing? Or was I reading too much into this? Was he really simply suggesting I occupy my mind with jerking off? “Let’s say I enjoy myself. That takes like… five minutes? Then what?”
“And then you’re back to bored, and checking your watch to see how long until you can do it again. Not because you’re horny, but because you’re used to punishing yourself, and can’t figure out a better way to do it than to beat your meat raw over and over again.”
His tone was casual, almost joking, but there was a hitch of darkness underneath. A resentment I recognized because I felt the same thing. Sebastian’s sounded more callous. Less fresh. Made sense, given he went through his upset a few years ago.
His was worse than mine in some ways. I saw my downfall coming. Worst case scenario, I’d still walk away with a bigger severance than most people made in a lifetime. The way I understood it, Sebastian’s being forced out came out of nowhere when he was betrayed by a business partner, and he lost everything.
I wasn’t going to ask if he was speaking from experience, about the masturbation. “I’ll pass. For what it’s worth, you got screwed.”
“You have no idea.” Any levity vanished from Sebastian’s voice, and his scoff was hard.
I would tell him my situation was different, that I hadn’t been pushed out, I was just taking a long vacation, but I knew that wasn’t true and suspected he did as well. Most people wouldn’t be able to tell that was my path from the news, but if he’d been paying attention, he’d recognized the signs.
From the nature of the conversation, I assumed he recognized the signs.
Sebastian turned to the teas behind him again. “I do have a blend I recommend. It starts sweet, with hints of berry and lemon, leaves a bitter aftertaste, and has enough caffeine to keep you wired all day and long into the night.”
That sounded less than desirable. It also sounded exactly like what I was in the mood for. “What’s it called?”
“Betrayal Berry Black Tea.”
Nice. My chuckle slipped out before I could stop it. “You know what? Give me half a pound, or however it is you sell it, plus a mug and a strainer.”
“Infuser.” Sebastian was already scooping various dried plant bits into a paper bag.
“Besides that, how have you been?” I asked as he finished wrapping up my purchase.
He glanced at me for a heartbeat, eyebrow raised, and went back to what he was doing. “Don’t do that. Don’t pretend we’re long-lost pals who have been missing each other forever.”
Fair enough. “What would you prefer I do?”
“Are you and Aubrey really engaged?”
“Yes.” I didn’t hesitate with an answer.
“You could do me a favor.”
“You don’t even want to know how I am, and we’re friends enough to ask for favors?” I teased.
“I know how you are. You’re being forced out of the CEO position of a company you founded, by people who are only rich because of your ideas. It’s an easy favor. Do what you can to keep Sylvie away from here?”
What? Weird. “I don’t have any control over what Sylvie does, but I’ll make an effort. Why?”
Sebastian handed me a paper sack with everything in it. “This is on the house.”
I opened my mouth to protest, when the front door to the shop swung open and Aubrey stepped in.
“Thank God you’re here. Hey, Bas.”
“Hey.” Sebastian gave her a quick nod. His tone was friendly.
“Are you all right?” I gave Aubrey my attention.
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Grandma wants to take”—She glanced past me—“Lunch.”
Ah. She was trying not to mention Sylvie in front of Sebastian. But why was I invited? “All right?”
“She said, and I quote, You can come along too if that wonderful man of yours is free.”