“Try me.”
His expression becomes guarded. “I’m thinking about all the time we wasted being apart. I’m thinking I should have hunted you down sooner. I’m thinking I should have gone with my fucking gut at graduation and asked you to marry me. I’m thinking I want to kill every man you’ve been with since then. I’m thinking I want to take you home and fuck your brains out. And I’m thinking that I really hope you stay.”
“One.” I hold up a finger. “We didn’t waste time apart. We used it to get to where we need to be.” I’ll forever stand by that. I was not a good partner before, and I’ve busted my ass to become a better one since. Besides, Cole has a hella good job and seems happier than a clam with his life. “Two.” I hold up another finger. “I’m glad you didn’t hunt me down. I was the one who needed to come back when I thought I was worthy.”
“Why do you always think your worth—” He stops and closes his eyes because it dawns on him why my self-worth is rocky. I was the kid who was told she meant nothing every day. “I hate your parents. I really, really hate your fucking parents.”
“Oh look, one more thing we have in common.” I hold up another finger. “Three, if you’d proposed to me after college, I can’t say I’d have said yes, so that’s a moot point. Don’t pull the coulda, shoulda, wouldas with us. It’ll drag you into a hole that I can tell you from personal experience is really hard to climb back out of.”
He closes the space between us.
“Four, five, and six.” I count with my fingers. “There hasn’t been anyone since you. By all means, take me home. And trust me, I’m staying. There’s no other place on the planet for me.”
Cole stiffens.
Now that all that’s off my chest and we’re setting more things straight between us, I feel loads better. Leaning back on his desk, I smile. “This communication thing and talking out our feelings and worries is really working.”
Cole keeps staring at me. “Repeat that, Angel.”
“I said this communication thing is—”
“Not that. Number four.”
I chew on my lip, recalling which point I’d made at four. Oh. Right. “There hasn’t been anyone since you.”
His chest collapses and he drops into his chair. “You fucking for real?”
“I would never lie about that.” He knows it too. I’ve always been honest about my experiences, just not my feelings. “I haven’t been with anyone else.”
Something close to panic flies across his face. “Jesus.” His head drops and he bends forward like he’s going to be sick. “Haley.”
“You’re the one for me, Cole.” I hop down to kneel between his legs so I can pry his hands away from his head. “There’s only ever been, and only ever will be, you.”
I’m sure he’s been with other women. I left him and he moved on just like he should have. I can’t be mad about it.
“I feel sick,” he says, pushing away from me. “I think I’m having a heart attack.” He clutches his chest.
Drama King.
I give him some space. “I didn’t think my nonexistent sex life would be so damaging to your arteries.”
He gawks at me. “You’re really being serious right now? I’m the only man that’s had you?”
“Well now you’re making me feel pathetic.” I turn around to march out. Playfully, obviously. “Let me go fuck a few guys right quick and I’ll come back next week.”
He grabs my hand and yanks me back, causing me to stumble into his hard chest. “You aren’t going anywhere, Angel.” His tone’s dark. Register, deep. He slides his hand up my throat and cups my jaw. “There’s no running anymore.”
“It’s about damn time we landed on the same page.”
Chapter 10
After that confession she made in my office, I swear my brain can’t operate. My dick, however, is functioning just fine. The instant Haley said she hadn’t been with anyone since me, I devolved into a primal beast.
It’s taking all my control to not mount her on the desk and fuck her senseless in my office.
But this fishbowl isn’t secure, and I’ll be damned if I risk us getting caught by security, a janitor, or one of the other employees who drag their asses in here on Saturdays like I do.