She glances at the table, like she’s carefully considering her words. “It’s not about the money as much as, I hate what they did to Griff. And I despise the way they portrayed me as some sniveling little girl. I never had a chance to defend myself. This way, I can.”

“You’re kidding yourself, Molly.” Remy shakes his head. “They will cut and edit whatever you say to fit their story. This isn’t a battle you can win. Please don’t do this.”

“The whole cast will be there,” I interrupt, bringing Remy’s blistering stare my way again. “Venom’s bringing his wife. Thunder will have his wife and kid there. Woolly’s mom is coming.”

“None of those people had the shit said about them that Molly did,” Remy points out. “They didn’t ‘show’ Venom fucking some skank. They pinned that on you.”

“We’re all aware,” Molly says. “Remy, I love you for worrying about me so much. And for trying to bring up things I hadn’t considered. But I’m not asking for your permission. I’m going.”

“When is it?” Remy asks.

I give him the dates.

“Why two days?”

“I assume it’ll be a long day of taping.” I shrug. “It’s like a three-hour drive.”

“You have some time,” Remy says to Molly. “Please think it over some more.” He scowls at me.

I hold up my hands. “If she changes her mind, that’s fine. I won’t force her to go.”

“You’re right, Remy,” Molly says.

His three favorite words.

“I’ll consider it more carefully,” she continues. “Try to read some of the fan pages to see what their viewers are expecting from the reunion.”

I glance over at her. “That’s a really good idea.”

She grins at me. “I know.” Her smile slips a little. “Have you looked at any of them? You’ve got legions of women ready and willing to do all sorts of gross things to you.”

“No. Fuck no. Seriously?”

“You really are a bonehead,” Remy mutters.

Molly presses her palms against the table and stands. “I’m going to go get dressed.” She rests her hand on my shoulder. “Griff’s taking me shopping for a few things I need in my dorm.”

Good cover story. I will myself to not react even as I’m already trying to measure in my head how big of a mirror I can fit downstairs.

“Be right back.” She leans over and kisses my cheek.

Now that Molly’s gone, Remy sits back and glares at me.

“What now? You heard her, she wants to go.”

His angry stare burns even hotter.

“I thought you were happy for us.”

Finally, he opens his mouth. “While you’re out shopping today, consider picking up some soundproof tiles.”

“Uhhh…” I don’t like where this conversation is headed.

He leans forward and rests his elbows on the table. “Do you have any idea how disturbing it is to hear my best friend knocking boots with my little sister?”

My eyes bug and heat rushes over my forehead and down my face. “Then why were you listening, creep?” I choke out. “You could’ve, I don’t know, not been in the kitchen.”

“I left the house. Got groceries. Stopped by the bar. Returned to the house. And it was still…” He closes his eyes briefly and wretches. “You know what? I’m not talking about this.”