“Molly.” I rest my finger under her chin, tipping her head back. “I don’t want to talk you into anything. I want you to be one hundred percent sure. No regrets.”

“But I?—”

“No.” I press a finger to her lips. “I’ve waited this long to be with you. I’m not going anywhere.”

Her eyes widen and she blushes as if I’ve just voiced all her worries. “But you’re…”

“No buts. When you’re ready, tell me.” I bite my lip and stare up at the ceiling. What am I doing? “Not in the heat of the moment when we’re fooling around.”

“We’re still going to fool around?” She arches a brow in surprise.

“Fuck yes.” I wipe the smile off my face. I’m older. The one with more experience. I need to slow this down. “I’m serious, though. I want you to be sure—not feel pressured because you want to make me happy.”

“But I do like making you happy,” she insists.

That’s exactly why I need to slam on the brakes. “I know you do, Muffin. Taking things slow will make me happy.” I lean down and whisper in her ear, “When you’re ready to come on my cock, tell me. I want to hear the actual words from your lips.”

Doubt seems to squinch her brows together. Then her head tilts with a sass I recognize. “What am I supposed to do? Greet you at the door in my underwear and hand over a signed contract?”

That’s my girl. Whatever anxiety gripped her seems to be slipping away now. I snort and kiss the top of her head. “If that’s what does it for you, sure.”

Doubt stealing some of her sass, she bites her lip and frowns again. “But won’t that ruin the moment?”

“No.” Fuck, I’m getting harder just thinking about a completely confident Molly saying any variation of those words without hesitation. “Definitely not.”

“I really like this.” She strokes her hand down the center of my chest. “Being this close to you.”

That Molly likes to cuddle doesn’t surprise me one bit. “So do I.” I slide my arm under her body and roll her toward me. “This is all I’ve wanted for a long time.”

“Why didn’t you say so?”

“You know why.”

Her lips tilt into a teasing curve. “What were you planning to do? Declare your interest on my eighteenth birthday?” She tickles her fingers over my ribs, her fingers hot against my bare skin. “Wrap a shiny bow around yourself as my present?”

I rumble with laughter and touch my forehead to hers. “Would you like that?”

She runs her gaze over me, appreciation sparkling in her eyes. “Oh, yes.”

“You like what you see?”

She nods quickly, then rolls slightly to the side, not showing off much since she’s still swallowed up by my sweatshirt. “Do you?”

“Fuck, yes.” As much as I love seeing her wearing my clothes, I wouldn’t mind a whole lot less fabric in my way. Knowing she’s not wearing a bra under all that material is playing havoc with my concentration. “You’re beautiful, Molly.” I don’t need her naked to know that much.

“Thank you.” She stares at my chest as if meeting my eyes is too much. Slowly, she traces one finger over my collarbone, then down my arm. “You know I was never planning to wear that dress to the party tonight. I just wanted you to see me in it.”

Fuck me. Her admission steals my breath. I can’t think of many girls my own age who would share that my approval meant so much.

“I’m honored.” I kiss her cheek. “It made me crazy thinking some other guys might touch your legs, or hell, even look at them.” I slide my hand over her hip and gently squeeze.

Instead of laughing, the corner of her mouth turns down and a wrinkle forms between her eyebrows. “You think I have nice legs?”

“Hell yes I do.” I really want them wrapped around me again. Soon. “Will you wear that dress for me another time?”

The corner of her mouth slides up. “Where?”

Well, fuck. I’d actually have to take her out, wouldn’t I? Somewhere besides the racetrack, a greasy garage, or an underground fight. “I’ll take you out sometime. I’ll think of a place.” There aren’t lots of options in Johnsonville. Maybe a restaurant in Empire?