“I don’t believe you.” He grabs for my phone, but I tuck it behind me in my back pocket and glare up at him.

He smirks in return. “You’re fast.” His goofy expression fades. “Sorry about before.” He wobbles his thumb in the direction of the hallway. “I’m kinda drunk.”

I narrow my eyes and study him. Unfortunately, I have plenty of experience dealing with drunks. “Alcohol doesn’t change your personality—it reveals it.”

He drops into the narrow space next to me, forcing me to inch over. The couple making out at the other end of the couch turn and glare at him for the interruption, but he ignores them.

“Anyone ever tell you you’re a buzzkill, Molly?”

“Probably.” I shrug as if his words haven’t hurt my feelings. “I don’t give enough of a fuck to remember, though.”

He rests his hand on my leg. My skin crawls. I glare at the spot where he’s touching me—right above my knee. Thank God I didn’t wear my dress. I’d scream if we were having skin-on-skin contact. I shift my leg away.

“Are you a virgin, Molly?” He leans in so close, his warm, sour breath mists over my cheek. Ewww. My entire body cringes from the stink. “Is that why you’re so shy?”

My pocket buzzes again. Ignoring the gross question, I lean away from Wesley and pull out my phone, carefully angling the screen away from his prying eyes.

Griff: Why basic?

I respond with a shrug emoji.

Griff: Call Ella for a ride.

Me: I might.

“You really have a boyfriend?” Wesley asks.

“Yes,” I answer in a tight, fuck-off voice.

Wesley squints. “Wade didn’t tell me that.”

“Why were you discussing my relationship status with your brother?”

“Because I like you.” He traces his finger over my collarbone. A nauseating buzz vibrates through my stomach. “I’ve always liked you.”

“Could’ve fooled me.” I pull my leg away, dislodging his hand.

“Ah-ha.” A triumphant grin that’s more annoying than endearing spreads across his face. “So you do like me.”

How did he get that from what I said? “Honestly, I nothing you.” I squint and shrug as if I’m pained to reveal the truth. “I was pointing out that you’re full of shit.” Even if I once thought he was kind of cute, after the way he’s behaved tonight, he might as well be a troll. “Asking girls you barely know to blow you is creepy as fuck.”

“I never figured you were so bitchy.”

I fake-yawn and pat my hand over my mouth. “So you’ve said.”

He rocks and wobbles off the couch, then stumbles away.

The girl next to me, Jane, a junior, I think, leans over and grins in my face. “That was epic.”

Embarrassed that she overheard our conversation, heat floods my cheeks. But I shrug and try to return a confident smile. “He was being so gross. I had to give him a dose of reality.”

She giggles and throws her fist my way. “Good job.”

I tap my knuckles against hers. “Thanks.”

She returns to making out with the guy next to her and I pick up my phone again.

I hate bugging my brother’s friends for rides, but I can’t stay here another minute. Who knows when Wesley will return?