Why the fuck didn’t I come clean sooner?
After a few seconds, he pushes me away and drills me with a hard stare. “One last thing.”
I lift an eyebrow and wait.
“You cheat on her”—he points a finger in my face—“I’ll break you in half.”
My anger bubbles to the surface. “The fuck is wrong with you?” I slap his hand away. “I just told you to stop trying to shove bunnies on my dick because I’m crazy about your sister.”
He barely reacts to my outburst. “Still, I want you to understand, best friend or not, if you do anything to hurt or embarrass her in any way, I’ll fucking end you.”
“I’d never cheat on her.”
He reaches out and slaps my cheek a few times. “Yeah, you’re not like me. One girl’s all your squishy, wholesome heart can handle.”
I smack his hand away again. It’s been a few months since Remy and I faced off in the cage. Maybe we’re due for a round of sparring. “She’s the only girl I want to handle.”
“You sure she feels the same way?” He cocks his head, ignoring the dirty emphasis I put on “handle.”
Is he still fucking with me or is that a serious question?
“We’ve, you know, talked.” My mind flashes back to the night we made out in front of the house. And on the couch in Remy’s living room. At the racetrack. At the garage...outside of Molly’s job. My lips curl up. We’ve done a lot more than talk.
My dirty thoughts must register on my face. Remy rolls his eyes. “I don’t want to know.”
“Yeah, you really don’t.” I return his smirk.
“Better prepare yourself for prom. You heard her last night. She can’t wait to get dressed up, get her hair done, all that stuff. She’s been talking about it for weeks.”
Dressing up has never been high on my list of priorities. But for Molly, I’ll wear whatever puts the biggest smile on her face. “I can do that.”
“Shit, bro. You didn’t even go to your own prom.”
Yeah, I was at Castle Correctional at the time. The only dancing happening there was with death. “I remember.”
He lifts his chin. “She’s probably awake. Go upstairs if you want to talk to her. Give her the good news.”
“Which is?”
He grins like a fool. “That you finally found your balls and confessed your sins.”
Man, I walked right into that one. “I can’t believe I’m going to have such an asshole for a brother-in-law one day.”
His jaw drops.
I grin and slap his cheek, then bounce out of the room.
After last night, he deserves that final jab.
“Keep the door open!” Remy shouts after me.
Laughing, I hurry through the living room, sliding on the hardwood floors as I make the turn for the staircase.
Finally. The weight of sneaking around and pretending Molly’s nothing more than a friend has finally been lifted from my shoulders. I should’ve done this weeks ago. Who knew Remy wouldn’t flip his shit?