“Sorry about that.” Rico shrugs and shakes out his hand. “All right. Next time.” He gives us a curt nod and backs away into the crowd.

Griff watches Rico until he stops to talk to two guys on the other side of the cage.

“Uh, is that normal around here?” I ask.

“No,” Griff answers, still watching Rico. “He needs to learn some manners.”

“You could’ve taken the fight. I know I said it makes me stabby to see you get hurt.” I tug on his arm to recapture his attention. “But you don’t have to say no because I’m here.” While I’d secretly be thrilled if he never took on another match, I don’t want to be the reason he gives up something he loves.

He slowly turns his head and stares at me for a few uncomfortable seconds. The corners of his mouth turn up, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. “Nah. Not worth the risk.” He cocks his head. “You don’t want me to take you to prom with a black eye next weekend, do you?”

“Oh.” Great, so it is my fault he’s saying no to a rematch with Rico.


Lying to Molly sends ripples of agitation through my system. If it wasn’t for Diane ordering me not to take on any fights until the show starts filming, I would’ve been more than happy to drop Rico to the floor in front of everyone. Yeah, I wouldn’t love taking Molly to her prom with a busted lip or black eye. But I’m more than confident I could avoid any injuries. That little prick only got the kick to my temple because I was distracted. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

Molly frowns and glances at her sneakers.

“Hey.” I press my finger to her chin, tipping her head up. “He was fucking around. There was no power behind that punch, Muffin. It was disrespectful but not dangerous.”

“He was just trying to piss you off so you’d say yes?”

I lift my shoulders. “Probably. Doesn’t matter, though. I’m not prepared to go in the cage tonight.” I lift my chin in Rico’s direction. “I would’ve been training a lot harder at Sully’s every day this week if I was planning to fight him this weekend.”

She hesitates for a second. “Okay.”

“All good, bro?” Jigsaw asks, stepping next to Molly but focusing his intense stare on me. “You need me to rip off that kid’s arm and beat him with it?” His face doesn’t so much as twitch to indicate he’s joking.

“Nah, just a guy looking for a rematch.”

“And?” He lifts an eyebrow.

I shrug. “Not tonight.”

He glances at Molly. Fuck, no. It’s already obvious she thinks it’s her fault I’m not taking the fight. I don’t need him reinforcing that idea.

“I’ll watch out for your girl,” he offers.

Molly nods and jabs her thumb over her shoulder toward Ella and Eraser. “Between the deranged duo and Jigsaw, I’ll be fine.”

Surprised she’s that comfortable around Jigsaw, I stare at her.

Jigsaw snorts. “Deranged duo?”

“It’s an inside joke with Ella,” Molly explains.

“Cute,” Jigsaw says. He lifts his chin at me again. “You sure you don’t want to get in more fight time before you?—”

“Nope,” I answer before he can mention the show. Jesus Christ, why the fuck did I have to tell him before I told Molly?

“Got it.” Jigsaw turns and prowls around the outer ring of spectators.

As I roll my neck from side to side, it crackles and pops but does nothing to release the tension from turning down Rico’s challenge and having Jigsaw almost spill my secret.

I don’t back down from fights.

I don’t lie to people I love.