Despite all the atrocities being committed by the Jorvlens, despite the ever-present threat against his home planet, and despite being sore, sleep-deprived, and strung out from the weeks of anxiety and tension and stress that this latest mission had brought him, at that moment, Dante felt perfectly content.

But all things must come to an end, and soon Tinsley caught on to the fact that she was holding them up.

“Sorry,” she said, sheepishly pulling herself away from the fluttering, iridescent wings of a passing doridora. “We should go.”

Dante smiled at her. “I just hope you like the palace as much as you like the gardens.” He knew that was unlikely, given that his father wasn’t exactly the most personable being.

Maraliza shot him a knowing look but said nothing, and the three of them made their way toward the palace with the rest of the crew in tow.

“Welcome back, Your Highness,” the palace guards said to him and Maraliza as they ventured up the palace steps.

To Tinsley, they said nothing, only bowing respectfully, the way they would for any guest of non-royal issue. Dante hoped that would change soon, but first they had to deal with the king.

“Maraliza!” King Vrondo cried as soon as they entered his sitting room.

Dante watched with a smile as his father rose from his chair, pulling Maraliza into his arms in a rare display of affection. He held her for a long time before drawing back and looking into her eyes.

“I thought we’d lost you,” he said softly. Again, Dante was taken aback by how kind the old monarch was being.

Maybe I should get lost for a while, Dante thought wryly. It’s about the only way I’d get that kind of treatment.

To his surprise, though, his father turned to him with the same warm look in his eyes.

“You’ve done well, Dante,” the king told him, placing a wizened hand on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

For a moment, Dante could hardly believe his ears. Was this a kind word? From the king? The same father who had spent most of Dante’s life chiding him for being a disappointment?

He almost tripped over his own tongue as he tried to answer.

“Of course,” he replied, and he heard pride in his own voice. He knew it wasn’t something he could hoard for himself, though.

He turned and saw Tinsley hanging back, unsure whether she was allowed to approach the king or not. But Dante held out his hand, gesturing for her to join them.

“I couldn’t have done it without Tinsley, though,” he said. “She deserves the same recognition, if not more.”

Tinsley stepped forward, taking Dante’s hand. The king glanced between them for a moment before letting his eyes rest on Tinsley.

Dante knew it was a risky move. The king might very well cast her out, as he’d threatened to do with many of his brothers’ wives simply for being a human.

But to his surprise, the warmth didn’t leave his father’s eyes as he surveyed Tinsley. She bowed deeply.

“Thank you for bringing my daughter back,” he told her, and Dante could hear that he meant it. “You must be very impressive to have taken on the Jorvlens and brought my Maraliza out alive.”

Once again, Dante could hardly believe what he was hearing. His father didn’t like anyone, not even his own children half the time. And had he just called Tinsley impressive?

Dante decided not to overthink it, suddenly afraid he’d jinx the moment if he drew too much attention to it, to use one of the words Tinsley had taught him. Better just to roll with whatever bizarre tear in reality he’d stumbled into.

“It was an honor to serve the kingdom of Lorr,” Tinsley said beside him, bowing slightly again. “And, of course, to serve alongside your amazing son.”

Dante turned to see her gazing at him lovingly, and he knew the next time he spoke to his father, he’d be having a very different conversation.

Chapter 37

“May I speak with you alone, Father?” Dante said, even as King Vrondo was still staring at Tinsley.

The king’s eyes lingered on her a moment longer, and she could see real pride there—something she hadn’t quite expected. But as he shifted his gaze to Dante, she wondered what would happen next.

“Certainly,” the king replied, casting an apologetic look back toward Tinsley and Maraliza.