“Not first?” the agent on the other end asked.

“We need a little bit of time,” he said.

A few minutes later, Tinsley yelled down the hall, excited. “Hey! We got moved up to fifth.”

“Coming,” Dante called out.

When he got to the bridge, she was busy at the controls. He gave her a once-over more clearly now, more able to take in her appearance without her knowing how fiercely his urges compelled him to look.

From the side profile, her suit hugged her body closely, and he could see the curve of her waist swoop into her hips and bust. He imagined what it would be like to touch her there, instinctively feeling that her supple body was made for his touch.

He quickly looked away to keep himself from growing, but he couldn’t shake his thoughts about fate as he grew more attracted, not just to her body but her spirit.

“Right there. Sit.” She spoke, all business, pointing to the spot beside her.

“Start systems check,” they said together.

“Jinx!” Tinsley cried out.

“Jinx? Is this a child’s game?”

“Oh, no. Just a silly Terran phrase,” she said, patting his hand.

She left her hand on top of his for a second. Her hand was so much smaller than his and very soft. He shivered thinking about how soft the rest of her skin must be, kept pristine underneath her clothing.

“Ready?” Tinsley asked, pulling her hand away.

Dante filled the role of copilot. He was used to the role although he usually bristled at it since inevitably one of his older brothers was at the helm. With Tinsley, that aggravation was gone. He could feel her respect for him as an equal.

“So, I hate to bother you again, but where exactly are we going?” Tinsley questioned him just as his comm pinged with a notification.

“Delta Gamo Midpoint space station,” Dante read.

Tinsley nodded and began punching in the destination.

“Your sister is there?” she asked.

“No, just a lead,” Dante said, scanning the rest of the message.

It was from Trigg. Dante could only hope he would get some more information before they arrived. He didn’t have much to go on.

“Lead from who?” Tinsley asked.

Dante said nothing, staring forward stoically.

“If we’re going to do this together, I want to know what’s going on. I’m not just the pilot here. This is my mission, too.”

A feeling of frightful elation swept through him as he sank deeper into the realization that this was what it felt like. They had just met. She didn’t know him at all, yet she had taken on his cause as if it were hers. Every time they connected more closely, everything felt even more right.

He realized he could trust her. Not only that. He wanted to tell her.

“It’s from PAPS,” Dante said. “Probe and Pursue Services. The private investigation agency that…”

“I know PAPS,” she said, turning back to the controls. “They’re supposed to be the best.”

“That’s what they say about us, yeah.”

Dante could glean by her unfazed reaction that she was impressed. Her nonchalance gave her away, he thought, because someone who was indifferent would have feigned excitement. As a royal, he was a student of figuring out true motives, never knowing if someone showed respect out of genuine admiration or out of a desire to curry favor.