Tinsley nearly died on the spot. This woman was obviously not one who would show mercy. She may have been short of stature, but she carried herself with absolute authority.

The small Finian woman turned slowly toward Maraliza. Her gaze was like two laser beams as she took in the Lorr woman who towered above her.

“Lorr princess, is it?” Her voice was as sharp as her gaze. “Good, then you’ll know how to behave. You’ll fetch a good price.”

“Wait. My father will pay you handsomely for my return.”

“Your father would shut me down in a heartbeat,” the woman retorted. “Lorr princess, indeed. What use do you think that is to me?”

The Finian turned her back to Maraliza, dismissing the subject completely. “Get them cleaned up!” she shouted.

The hall was silent for a while, and the girls quieted themselves. The ones who had been picked were obviously full of hope, but the ones that remained slumped down dejectedly.

One by one the guards dragged out some of the “chosen ones” and led them from the hall.

Finally, the guards got to Tinsley and Maraliza. They were led barefoot with a handful of others from their cage across the hall. Tinsley was sure she heard two of the women snickering behind their backs. The word “princess” was mentioned. What was wrong with these women? Had they really just accepted their fate?

They were led to a washroom and told to strip and shower thoroughly in frigid water, overseen by two big Jorvlen males who watched them with lewd interest.

Tinsley was aware of silent tears streaming down her face, and she was glad the shower water hid her crying from her captors.

“You mustn’t judge them harshly, you know,” said a young Noxxan girl next to her. “A lot of the women you see here were born into slavery. This is the only life they know. The sex trade doesn’t foster much compassion.”

Tinsley smiled at her. “How long have you been here?” she asked.

“I was sold by my parents when I was ten. The madam here trained me. This is my first auction. They bid high for a well-trained virgin she says.”

Tinsley was appalled. “You must be terrified,” she said. “This is awful. Maybe we can fight our way out.”

“To what?” said the girl. “I grew up in poverty. I knew hunger from an early age, and my father used to beat me. At least this life promises some security. All I’ve got to do is get some rich old man to fall in love with me, and I’ve got it made.”

“But there’s so much more to life,” said Tinsley, looking into her soft brown eyes.

“For you, maybe,” said the girl.

“Hey! Stop talking, you two!” yelled one of the guards. “Time’s up. Get out of the shower and into the dressing room.”

They shuffled out of the shower block, drying themselves on the thin towels they were offered.

They walked single-file into the dressing room. Tinsley was stunned. The room was brightly lit, warm, and busy. It was a proper dressing room with rails of sexy lingerie and dressing tables with mirrors and makeup boxes.

A line of scantily clad girls stood by the far door. Their hair was done in beautiful hairstyles and their faces perfectly made up. Most of them were smiling and preening themselves in any available mirror. Some, though, stood sullen and quiet.

The madam was there, poking and pulling on the girls and giving orders to the attendants. She made sure every woman up for auction was displayed in the most appealing way.

“Get that Terran girl dressed right now!” she screamed at a nearby assistant. “And you, princess.” She sneered. “Come here. I’ve got something special lined up for you!”

Tinsley and Maraliza were separated, which made Tinsley anxious. She’d only just found Dante’s sister, and she didn’t want to lose her now.

The attendants took her and made her put on a lace corset and suspenders. They were very gaudy, old-world Terran lingerie, consisting largely of black and red lace. She’d never worn anything so uncomfortable.

She was made to sit in a chair for hair and makeup. She could see her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t even recognize herself. How could this be happening? She was about to get sold to some unknown buyer and turned into a sex slave. This was so wrong, it made her want to vomit.

Finally, they stopped pulling at her, and she was told to go and stand with the others. She gave a deep sigh of relief when she saw Maraliza in the queue.

“Oh, Maraliza,” Tinsley said, her heart breaking for Dante’s poor sister.

They had left her virtually naked except for silver tassels hiding her nipples and a skimpy thong that bit deeply into her skin. Her body had been oiled, and on her head, they had placed a silver crown with a short royal cape around her shoulders. She was the parody of a princess, and she looked utterly miserable.