The two of them cackling sounded like scraping metal to Tinsley. She didn’t want to think too hard about what they were implying. Instead, she concentrated on willing Dante to hurry back with help.

The faster she got out of here, the better. It was clear she was going to end up in a holding cell like the other women they’d seen if he didn’t, and she hoped to whatever god might be listening that they didn’t pump her full of Motley first. She needed to be wide awake and sharp if she was going to get out of there.

The Jorvlens were dragging her along with them, and soon they breached the entrance of the facility. Instead of taking her down to the basement where she and Dante had found the holding cells, however, they brought her to a small room on the ground floor.

It became immediately clear what was happening. This was an interrogation.

“All right,” the growly one said as the other one pushed her heavily down into a chair. “I’m going to make this very simple. You’re going to tell us what you’re doing here. And in return, we’ll do you the kind favor of not cutting out your tongue.”

The second Jorvlen cackled again, but the growly one stopped him with a harsh look.

Tinsley felt her blood run cold, but she had to take her chances they were bluffing. Besides, if she could buy some time, Dante might have a better chance of coming back with help before these two got too serious about their threats.

“Well, if you cut out my tongue, you’ll have no chance of finding out the truth from me,” she quipped matter-of-factly. “Wouldn’t you much rather leave it where it belongs and try your chances?”

The growly Jorvlen scowled, his black eyes glinting menacingly in the light of the bare bulb that glowed from the ceiling. It was clear he didn’t like her attitude, but he also saw that she had a point. Tinsley let out a tiny sigh of relief.

“Fine,” the Jorvlen spat. “Tell us what you’ve got.”

Tinsley tried not to grin. “I’m from SOPA,” she lied. “The Spies of Ordinary Persons Agency. We’ve been watching you for some time and know you’re hiding valuable secrets here. Secrets that we want in on.”

Tinsley tried her best to keep a straight face, but she’d never told such a bold-faced fabrication. She had no idea if the Jorvlens bought it or not, but she knew her only chance of getting through this—preferably while keeping her tongue—was to commit to the part.

She set her brow, attempting to look serious and channel every spy movie she’d ever seen. Unfortunately, no martinis were lying around to help flesh out the character.

The growly Jorvlen took a menacing step toward her, leaning over the table to stare straight into her eyes.

“SOPA, huh?” he asked, clearly a little skeptical. “Never heard of them.”

“That’s because we’re very good at our jobs,” she shot back immediately. “You’ve never heard of us because we like to stay out of the spotlight. Besides, what kind of secret agency would we be if we went shouting our name all over the place?”

Tinsley could see the Jorvlen weighing her words, and after a beat, he appeared to accept her answer. For now.

“So, how’d you get in here then?” came the voice of the cackly Jorvlen behind her.

She could feel his breath on her neck and smell its putrid stench as he leaned over her shoulder. It took everything in her not to punch him in the face right there and then.

Instead, she leaned as far away from him as she could and answered his question.

“SOPA dropped me in by parachute,” she told him. “Like I said, we’ve been watching you for a long time. Only problem is this was just supposed to be a recon mission.”

She affected an air of embarrassment, hoping they were buying her story. “I got a little cocky,” she added, bowing her head a little. “I’m new to the agency and thought I’d prove myself by going above and beyond the call of duty. But, well, you see how that turned out…”

She gestured sheepishly around her, hoping the veiled flattery would shift attention away from the details of her story. The grin that spread across the growly Jorvlen’s face gave her hope.

“That’s because you didn’t count on coming across Grol and Selu here,” the growly one said, first sticking a thumb into his own chest and then gesturing to his partner.

“That’s right,” added the cackly one. “No one messes with us!”

Tinsley tried to look dejected rather than show her relief.

“Looks like you get to keep your tongue, human.” The first one growled again. “Good thing, too. No one wants a girl with no tongue.”

Before Tinsley could find out what he meant by that, they were yanking her out of the chair again and pushing her along the hallway. Jorvlen cries went up every time they passed a group, either aiming profanities and jeers at her or else shouting congratulations to her captors.

By the time they got down to the basement and threw her in the holding cell, she was almost relieved. While many of the women around her were still unconscious, a couple seemed to be groggily coming to. She hoped that was a good thing.

Thankfully they didn’t give her any Motley. But when she found out the reason why, she paled.