“I got him, though.” She grinned.

“I said to let go…”

“I just couldn’t. I was so scared.”

“I got you,” he said and then he kissed her.

Hardly the time, Tinsley thought.

“Sorry,” Dante said as he broke off the kiss.


Tinsley couldn’t finish the syllable because when she opened her mouth, he ripped her off the side of the building and dropped her. She screamed.

“Grab the rope and run backward,” Dante screamed back. “Now!”

She was blind with fright and rage, and all she could see was black, but she grabbed at her waist and found the rope. She wrapped both hands around it so tightly, her knuckles started aching immediately. Then she reached out with one foot.

“Good, let’s go,” Dante said.

He didn’t bother with looking for the old holes he had made, he just punched new ones with his hands and feet. Tinsley managed to move slightly to the left of him so most of the debris raining down missed her.

“Almost there,” Dante said. “Put your feet down.”

She just couldn’t get her mind to abandon every instinct in her body that told her to hang on, and so she ended up on her ass while he stepped nimbly onto the ground.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I had to.”

“No time,” she replied, swiping a knife out of her pocket and severing the rope at her waist. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Chapter 28

“What did you do that for?” Dante said.


“Cut the rope. We still have to get across the rocks.”

“Oh, fuck,” Tinsley said.

She reached out to grab the rope, but he was already on it. He tied the knot quickly and told her to hold on to it. They started across the rocks.

“Why isn’t there an alarm?” Tinsley said. “I mean I got the guy right in the eyes with the pepper spray.”

Dante was about to answer, but just then the rock he was on shifted, and he almost went down. His loss of balance jerked the rope enough to make Tinsley go down. The small cry she let out was like a knife in his heart.

He had to keep her safe. Instead, he was tripping her and throwing her off buildings.

“Are you okay?” he asked, reaching out a hand.

“Fine,” she said. “Just a stubbed toe.”

He wasn’t sure he believed her.

“If we don’t make it…” Tinsley said.

“We’ll make it.”