“Stop,” hissed Dante behind her.

She lay with the grass tickling her nose, waiting for the shot to come. She was convinced they would see her, as she was completely exposed. How could they not?

Again, it seemed like way too long before Dante gave the signal. Relief washed over her. They hadn’t spotted her. She wriggled around until she could see the tower with the despicable radar on top. It was her turn to watch for Dante.

She could hear him shuffling up beside her. “Stop,” she whispered when he was parallel with her.

She wanted to turn to him. She wanted to be in his arms. She was so scared she could weep, but all she could do was keep utterly still with her eyes pinned to the turning tower.

Eventually, the radar sweep was off them. She looked over, and their eyes locked. But she couldn’t linger. Every moment they were out here, they were in danger. So she crawled on, feeling slightly nauseated until she heard his signal.

Again, they waited in terror, consumed by the feeling of being totally exposed and ready for the bullet to hit. How did I get myself into this mess? she wondered.

After what seemed like forever, they came to the line of rocks that marked the boundary. It was only a few paces to the nearest building, but several Jorvlens were unloading crates from one of the big trucks nearby.

“What now?” Tinsley asked in a hushed voice.

“We wait. Looks like they’re almost finished.”

The last of the crates were unloaded, and the vehicle drove away.

“I wonder what’s in those crates,” said Tinsley.

“Nothing good, I would imagine,” Dante replied grimly. “Okay, the next time the radar turns away, we’re going to stand up and walk to that alleyway.”

“Why walk? Why not run?” Tinsley asked. “I think I’d rather get there as quickly as possible.”

“Running draws attention. Hopefully if we walk, we’ll just look like a couple of workers at a quick glance.”

“Okay then. Get ready. Go,” Tinsley ordered.

They walked casually over to the building and into the alley. Some old broken crates and other garbage were strewn around, and they used it all for cover.

Tinsley leaned back against the wall of the building. Her heart was pumping in her chest like it wanted to get out.

“Are you okay?” Dante asked, concern written all over his face.

Tinsley managed to drag what she hoped was a reassuring smile from somewhere. “Yes, I’m fine,” she lied. I know how to get myself into a mess. That’s for sure.

Chapter 24

Dante was uneasy. He’d expected danger, but this mission had far more than he’d initially anticipated. This place was high-security.

They’d crept around the sheds and store rooms that littered the area outside the big high wall. They had looked abandoned from a distance, but their appearance had been deceiving. Up close workers were everywhere and guards patrolled throughout.

They were lying under one of the large vehicles to watch a pedestrian gate in the circuit wall. A queue waited outside, and every person had to stop for their papers to be checked and to go through a scanner.

“I don’t see how we could possibly get through there,” Tinsley whispered to him. “It even looks like they’ve got a retina scanner.”

“Yeah, I saw that, by the door there. Everyone going in and out is getting checked.”

Dante gave a sigh. There must be some way to get in. Then an idea came to him. “Hey, maybe we could cling to the undercarriage of a vehicle and get in that way.”

They both looked up and inspected the underside of the huge truck they were lying beneath.

“That could work,” said Tinsley. “Looks like there are all sorts of places we could cling to.”

Finally, it felt like they had a viable option. This could absolutely work.