“Could it be some kind of illegal mining base?”

“Could be. Let’s go find out.”

They scrambled back down the escarpment and back to the Thunder Bolt.

“Come with me. I think I know how we can blend in more,” said Tinsley. “The disguises we used in the pod clearly won’t work here.”

She led him back into her father’s cabin in the Thunder Bolt. After rummaging around in various cupboards, she came out with a bundle of clothing. She held pieces of old combat uniforms and normal outdoor gear thrown together.

“I don’t know how much will fit you, but you need to look a bit less like a Lorr warrior and more like the laborers we saw.”

Dante went through the pile of clothes and put on some slacks that must have been baggy on her dad but were quite tight on him. “I don’t think this is going to work,” he said with a laugh. They came halfway up his calf.

Tinsley looked at him and then burst out laughing. “Um, no. Maybe not. You could probably get away with the pants and boots you wore in the pod. Here, just put this jacket over the top.”

Tinsley changed into the combat boots and fatigues, which were a little too big but still much better than the clothes she had been wearing.

“Okay, now for the real disguise,” she said, leading him outside.

She found a nice patch of sand and then lay down and rolled around in it. For a moment, she felt like a kid again. Then she got sand in her bra. “Ugh, disgusting,” she said, standing up and shaking it out.

“Your turn!” She grinned at Dante as she said it and then instantly regretted it as the sand went in her mouth.

The things we do for love!

Chapter 22

Despite his desperate desire to get moving and free Maraliza, Dante couldn’t help but laugh at the antics of his exciting new human woman. He stood in the center of the sand pit and threw great handfuls in the air so they came down and covered him. He was soon spitting and cursing as the sand filled every crevice, getting in his eyes and up his nose.

He shook himself off. “How do I look?”

“Like a native.” She smiled at him. Her teeth looked very white against the red dust on her lips. He had to fight the urge to kiss them.

“Let’s get to the Zoomer!” she said.

“You’ve got a Zoomer stashed on the ship?” he asked, excitement in his voice.

“Sure do,” said Tinsley, looking smug. “It’s another passion of my dad’s. He collects antique hoverbikes.”

“Is it an original?” Dante asked.

“No, it’s another replica, like the Thunder Bolt. He does have an original, but it’s in bits. He keeps saying he’ll get around to finishing it one of these days, but he never does. I think it’s because he was working on it when my sister got killed. I just don’t think he’s got the heart for it anymore.”

“That’s sad. I’m so sorry.”

They pulled out the small two-seater Zoomer hoverbike from the small hold at the rear of the craft. He was excited to take it for a spin after missing out on flying the Thunder Bolt.

“How are we going to get it down onto the plateau?” Tinsley asked. “It’s going to be difficult on this terrain.”

“You happen to be talking to the interstellar hoverbike champion three years running,” Dante said with a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

“Seriously? Is there no end to your talents?” Tinsley flashed him a suggestive smirk.

Dante guffawed. “Hop on, darling, and you’ll find out,” he countered, raising his eyebrow and returning her grin.

Tinsley climbed onto the back of the bike behind him, tightening her helmet as she did so. She curled her arms around his waist and held on tightly. He liked that feeling very much.

The ride down the escarpment was hair-raising, but Dante truly was an expert rider, and he thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. He was determined to make no mistakes and not just because he didn’t want Tinsley to think less of him. More importantly, if something happened to them out there, rescue was a long way off.