Tinsley pressed the hyperdrive button, and the ship eased back into a comfortable speed with the pirate ship always staying just at the edge of their radar. Dru had boosted their range just before takeoff, which meant even if the pirates were in range for them, they’d still be out of range for the pirates. At least, that’s what he’d said.

As usual, it seemed like Dru was right. Besides, it seemed clear the mothership had expected the handful of pirates and their gravity net to make short work of Dante and Tinsley. They wouldn’t have expected them to still be tailing their ship.

“So now I guess we wait?” asked Tinsley, her eyes still trained on the blip that signaled the pirate ship on the radar.

“Now we wait,” Dante replied, staring at the same dot.

Tinsley suddenly turned to him, her hand pressing the autopilot button.

“I guess we’d better rest up then. They’re going to dock at some point, and when they do, we need to be ready to sneak on board and rescue Maraliza. Or at least find out where she is.”

Dante nodded slowly, but his brain was working overtime.

“We could rest,” he told her with a mischievous grin spreading over his face. “Or we could work out some of this tension…”

Tinsley grinned back. “I mean, I do feel like I need to release some pent-up energy after that fight…”

She slowly unclipped her seat straps. The way she did it made it clear she was intentionally drawing Dante’s gaze to her chest and her breasts straining against her shirt.

The gesture certainly wasn’t lost on him. He did the same with his own straps and couldn’t help but chuckle softly as he saw her gaze at his own chest and arms. He knew his muscles were visible through his clothes, and it was no secret Tinsley was a fan.

“Well…” He reached over and took Tinsley’s hand. “Maybe a massage would help.”

He tugged gently on her, and she rose from her chair, her face already flushed with lust. Dante could feel himself getting hard just at the sight of her expression, but he wanted to go slowly.

Carefully, he let his hand rest on her hip, guiding her until she was turned around and sitting in his lap, her back to him. He let his hands linger on her hips just a little before he brought them up her body, softly brushing against her waist, her ribs, and the sides of her breasts, before coming to rest on her shoulders.

With infinite care, Dante pushed his thumbs into the soft flesh of her shoulders and neck, eliciting a groan from Tinsley’s lips. The sound of it made him even harder, and he wondered if Tinsley could feel it from where she sat. He decided she must have been able to with her ass pressed right into his crotch. As he worked her shoulders and neck, he brought his face close to her.

He could smell the flowery scent of her hair and the fragrance of her skin. Soon he couldn’t help himself. He brought his lips to the exposed skin on the back of her neck while his hands dropped lower and lower, soon encircling her waist.

Tinsley groaned again, this time lower-pitched. Dante’s cock—rock hard now—strained against his pants.

This time there was no doubt. Tinsley had felt it, and she pushed her ass back into him before pulling forward again and grinding against him just slightly.

The sensation drove Dante wild, and he let out his own moan of pleasure. It came out more like a growl. He was hungry for her, and that hunger came out in the way his lips and tongue, and soon his teeth, caressed Tinsley’s skin.

He felt her hands grab at his thighs, his arms, his hands, and soon she was grinding back and forth against him. His cock was aching for her, but he wanted to pleasure her first. He let his hand slip from her waist to between her legs, pressing softly against the thin fabric that separated him from what he wanted most.

Tinsley gasped as his thick fingers brushed over her clit through her pants. Over and over, he caressed her as she bucked against him. He could hear her breath coming in short gasps punctuated by deep groans of pleasure.

“I want you,” he whispered into her ear before pressing his lips to the soft skin of her neck again.

Tinsley let out another groan, bucking against his cock once more, and fire ran through his whole body. It wasn’t just the fire of lust. This was something far deeper than that. He wished more than anything that Tinsley felt it, too. He hoped that the way she was pressing her body against him, the way she responded to his touch, the way she gasped and moaned meant the same thing. He hoped it meant that she wanted him, that she craved him.

No, it was more than that. He wanted her to love him.

Chapter 15

Tinsley was lost in a blur of lust. She didn’t even have to think as her body automatically responded to Dante’s touch.

His circular motions with his fingers on her clit made her long for him to be inside of her.

Not that she minded at all at the work he was doing. He was gentle but firm enough that she wanted him to keep his hand right where it was and finish in every way possible. But at the same time, now that she knew how good the sex was with him as well, she wanted that more.

She wanted not just to have his large, hard cock inside of her but the connection that had seemed to come with lovemaking. She couldn’t explain it, but sex wasn’t just sex with Dante. It was more.

She felt as if their bodies were talking to each other on another level and able to understand what the other wanted. No, needed.