Just then, Dante came back. He was alone while Bran was still off chasing parts.

“No luck.” He threw himself into the captain’s chair. “It’s because it’s a substation, not the genuine article. They don’t stock the parts here. I can’t believe we’re going to be marooned here for days while those bastards escape with my sister!”

“Actually, Dante, I’ve got a bit of a surprise coming,” said Tinsley, not able to hide her pleased expression.

Dante looked at her sideways. “What kind of surprise?”

“My father’s flying here as we speak with a super-fast ship for us to use. He should be here within a flick.”

“Tinsley, you’re amazing.” He beamed. “I’ll call the crew back right away.”

“Actually, it’s a two-seater. It’ll carry more people in an emergency, but its design is based on one of the early Terran space rockets. I think they wanted to keep it as original as possible. It’s even got the original Zero-G Control they used to have to save power when they were on long journeys.”

“So, just the two of us then?” Dante grinned wolfishly. “Will the ship be up to the task of chasing after pirates?”

“That’s the beauty of it! They’ve kept a lot of the original design, but it’s completely modernized. So it’s a fast and viable machine now. The originals went out of commission for a reason.” She laughed.

“That’s true. Terrans were… behind for a little while.” Tinsley could tell he was holding back, especially because he couldn’t withhold his scoffing snort.

“Hey! Every planet’s technology starts out humbly.” She strode over and mock-punched him.

He grabbed her into a rough embrace, but they hopped apart once Dru walked onto the bridge. “Don’t mind me,” Dru said. “Just doing some repair work here.”

They both laughed self-consciously. Tinsley could feel her cheeks burning red hot.

“Come on. Let’s get a coffee,” said Dante, shrugging it off.

She suddenly grew fearful. Dru was so nonchalant, maybe this was typical behavior for the captain. He was royalty, after all, not to mention hot as hell. Was she just his latest plaything? She hoped fervently that she meant more to him than that. She told herself she’d be fine with it if she was just one of many, but the thought of it sent a shard straight to her heart.

She wondered what her father would think of the being who had inspired such strong feelings in such a short time. That would help her get perspective on whether it was real or not.

Just then, her comm buzzed.

“We have company, captain,” she said to Dante with a nervous smile.

“Does this mean I get to meet your dad?” Dante asked enthusiastically. It sent a wave of relief over Tinsley, at least for now. Maybe she wasn’t just another conquest.

She spoke into the comm. “Come in, Dad. Just unlocked the doors.”

Tinsley’s dad had taken just over a flick to arrive at the space substation. He made impressive timing considering how far he had come.

“Hello, sweetheart!” he said with a huge bear hug. “And this is…”

“Daddy, this is Dante. Dante, this is my father, Lorenzo.” She introduced them shyly.

The two men shook hands. Dante towered over her father, but Lorenzo didn’t seem at all intimidated by the huge Lorr warrior.

“Tinsley told me about your sister. I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I know the pain you’re going through, and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. Well, maybe on the scum who took her.”

“Thank you, sir. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you to volunteer the use of your ship,” Dante said, and Lorenzo flashed an amused look at Tinsley.

It had broken her dad when her sister was killed. He was better now, but he still carried a lot of sadness. And rage.

“You look after my little girl,” he said. “She means more to me than all the stars in the universe. If I thought for a moment I could stop her going off on this mission, I would. But I know her too well. She’s stubborn when she wants to be, often to help others, like now. So please, look after her.”

“I will, Mr. Adams. I promise.” Dante made a fist and thumped his chest while looking Lorenzo straight in the eye. “She’s special. I recognize that. I’ll get her home safely.”

The sincerity of his promise surprised Tinsley. It made her feel a sense of pride for both of the men who stood before her.