“Father knows about Damien’s underground fighting,” I explain, my heart racing. “He intends to use that information against him, against our family.”
There’s a brief pause before Anoushka responds, her voice laced with anger. “That son of a... I knew he was up to no good, but I didn’t think he’d stoop so low.”
“Neither did I,” I confess, my voice cracking. “Anoushka, I don’t want to see Damien hurt. He’s been kind to me, and I think... I know I love him.”
“Don’t worry, my dear. We’ll do whatever it takes to protect him,” she promises, her fierce loyalty shining through.
Chapter 25 - Damien
I stand near the ring, the voices of patrons bellowing my name: The Killer.
Yet, I don’t feel like a killer. Instead, I feel dead inside—lost, hurt, sad. Genevieve hasn’t called me since she disappeared. I know she asked for time, and I want to give it to her, but I still yearn to tell her those three words—I love you.
I roll my shoulders to loosen my tight muscles. This is it. The fight’s about to begin, and I can’t afford to lose focus. Especially not today because this is it—my last fight.
It’s my last because of one simple truth. I realized I have better things to fight for. Once I walk out of this ring today, I’ll never return, instead fighting for things that truly matter, like getting Genevieve back.
I begin to stretch out my arms when the wretched investor who tried to scare Genevieve and me walks up next to me.
“Alexai,” I stare at him, right in the eye.
“Rumor has it that today’s your last fight,” he glares at me.
“Yes, it is,” I reply evenly. “I have more important things waiting for me beyond this ring.”
“In that case, our deal comes through today. If you lose, or forfeit, the land’s mine.”
“Fair,” I nod.
“Except…” he adds slyly, “Since this is your retirement plan, care to up the stakes?”
I am still angry at him for what he put us through on the streets with the chase. But he does dangle a lucrative deal. Feeling confident of my victory and wanting to land him one final blow, I step forward and tower over his short frame.
I arch my brow. “To what?”
“Double or nothing. If you lose, you give up control of two pieces of land instead of one. If you win, you get two underground rings instead of one.”
My blood thrums with anticipation as I consider the deal. Double the risk, double the reward. Just the way I like it.
I extend my hand. “You’ve got a deal.”
“I’ll enjoy taking back what’s mine.”
I bare my teeth in a smile. “Over my dead body.”
With a scoff, Alexai releases me and turns on his heel.
Alone again, I close my eyes and take a steadying breath. Everything rides on this fight. Two more underground rings, and that’s enough to put me into managing instead of fighting. Freedom at my fingertips.
And Genevieve.
Guilt flares, a brief spark I ruthlessly extinguish. I can’t afford distractions, not now. Once I’m done, I’ll go fight for her.
But first, I must win. Squaring my shoulders, I stand. It’s time.
The crowd’s roar greets me as I enter the ring, a beast with many heads. Their shouts blend into a wordless cry, hungry and savage.