Just then, I hear something fall to the ground. Embarrassed that someone just saw me get slapped, I look around, and on the floor behind Papa lies split coffee.
Before I can even register what just happened, Damien is there, leaping between us and pulling my father away. Time seems to slow down as I watch their bodies collide, the impact echoing in the dimly lit hallway.
With a fierce snarl, Damien’s fist flies through the air, connecting with my father’s jaw.
Chapter 19 - Damien
I see Gerald’s hand connect sharply with Genevieve’s cheek, the crack echoing down the empty hallway. Before I even register what I’m doing, my fist slams into his jaw.
He stumbles back against the wall as I step in close and grab his collar, holding him against the wall, my voice low and lethal. “If you ever lay a hand on her again, I’ll make you wish you were dead.” I spit on his feet.
Adrenaline pounds through me, every muscle coiled tight, ready to strike. I want to beat him bloody right here after what I just saw him do. He calls himself a father? Sick bastard.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Genevieve watching, her eyes wide. She still holds her hand to her reddening cheek, breaths coming quick and shallow.
“You bastard,” Gerald tries to free himself from my grip. “I think you forget she’s my daughter. I could have her back in my house within a second,” he growls at me.
“How dare you threaten me?” I bellow at him, punching him straight in the gut. “How dare you think you have a right to treat my wife like an object?” I punch him again.
Genevieve lets out a sharp gasp, and my eyes glance at her as I punch him again. Her hand flies to her mouth as she watches me batter Gerald. Gerald doubles over in pain, spitting out blood. I release him and try to focus on Genevieve.
I want nothing more than to pull her into my arms, to soothe away the fear in those emerald eyes. But not before my message gets through to Gerald loud and clear. He reaches up, rubbing his jaw. I fix him with an icy stare, letting the promise of violence hang unspoken between us. After a tense moment, he turns to me and snarls. “You fuckin’ Zolotovs. Got more brawn than brains.”
“You’re in my bloody office!” I shout in his face. “Disrespecting my wife. Disrespecting my family! Russo, I’ll pound you to the ground right this bloody instant, you hear me?”
“I can say what I want, bastard. Genevieve,” he says, turning to her. “You come home with me right this instant. I demand it.”
He tries walking over to her, but I block his path, standing in front of her like a shield.
“You really want to do this?” Gerald sneers, his smirk twisted into a snarl. But I remain stoic, my voice low and firm.
“Father, please,” Genevieve mutters. “Damien’s only protecting me the way a husband might.”
Gerald doesn’t respond, but the fact that she just tried standing up for me isn’t lost on me.
I look at Gerald. “If you lay a hand on her again, I swear I’ll end you. I’ll make sure your memory is wiped from existence. You will not touch my wife ever again.” The venom in each word drips like poison.
“D…Damien,” Genevieve whispers. I turn to see what it is she needs. Her lips are parted slightly, her chest rising and falling. I fight the urge to brush my knuckles over the tender skin of her cheek, to tell her she’ll never know harm again while I still draw breath. But the words catch in my throat. So, for now, I simply meet her gaze and hope she sees the depths of my devotion shining back at her.
She looks to her right and then back at me, motioning at me to look the same way. I turn, and to my horror, over a dozen employees crowd at the end of the hallway.
My breath falters in my throat as I notice the onlookers. The situation has escalated quickly, and I hadn’t realized I’d caused a scene. I’ve never let go of my emotions in the workplace, and I can see the fear etched into my employees’ faces.
Oh, fuck.
I turn back to Genevieve, and she’s still watching me, her eyes wide with fear and concern. I feel horrid for having embarrassed her. I need to rein in my emotions before rumors spread about Genevieve and what happened between her father and husband.
I step close to Gerald and bring my mouth close to his ears so only he can hear what I have to say. “You need to learn your place.”
My voice hardens as I step back a little to look at him. He stares back defiantly. “Let this be a warning. Come near her again, and you’ll regret it. You might not live to see another day. I won’t repeat myself.”
The room falls into tense silence, trying to hear my words, but I’m sure my words are heard by my father-in-law alone. I meet Gerald’s eyes, letting him see the truth there: I protect what’s mine, and Genevieve is mine now.
After a long moment, Gerald looks away, jaw clenched. I turn on my heels and walk away, but I hear him speak in a low, threatening voice. “Genevieve. Come with me, now.”
I stand by Genevieve’s side and turn to face him. He has his hand out for her, his face red with fury.
“D…Dad,” she says. “I… I’ll be going home with my h…husband. W…with Damien,” she stutters, trying to stand up for me. I can tell how terrified she is of him, yet her bravery in defending our relationship shines through.