She reaches out and settles her palm on my back. Next thing I feel is her forehead leaning against my spine and her jagged exhale. “Everything feels right when you’re with me. It always has, but it’s different now.”
“It can’t be different, Pcholka,” I bite out, my throat thick.
“You’re mad, but it’s not at me. Maybe at yourself.” She pulls away then and I can finally take a deep breath, just to have her steal it away with the words that follow.
“My father sent me away and you just stood by and let him do it. How could you let him do that?”
Little shit. Like I had any choice in the matter. She’s not mine. Stalking to the door, I grab her bag and toss it at her feet. “You got yourself sent away. You hanging out with that stupid girl who liked to write all that fucking nonsense in that fucking journal about me. That's why you were sent away—because of the influences around you.”
She jutted her chin and even though I stood a foot taller than her, it was as though she was looking down at me with that prideful lift. “The journal was mine.”
The roaring in my ears crashes over me like a turbulent sea. No. This is not—no. She’s—no. Just no. I can’t form a single fucking coherent thought and if I can’t even work this revelation out in my own head, we’re not going to hash this out here. Out loud. With nowhere to retreat.
“We’re done talking about this.” Every word from those lips leads to a dangerous level of awareness neither of us can afford.
“No. We’re not.” Clutching the towel between her breasts, she takes a step toward me. “It was mine, Kostya. I wrote those words.”
My fucking body is already reacting. Blood charges through me with every step. Despite averting my gaze, my eyes defy me and swing right back to her. “No. You have a crush. Nothing more.”
“And what do you have? I felt you tonight. You were hard. You wanted?—”
“No! I will not hear it.”
“You will! We may be forced to hole up in this crypt, but I will not hide from you for one more minute. Do you hear me? I never wanted to.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m the one who wanted you. Dreamed about you. You're still the one I fantasize about. You're the man I was dancing for on that stage tonight and I didn't even know you were in the crowd. Every move, every touch, every sway of my hips was me escaping those roving eyes into the fantasy of you. Of us.”
My chest heaves with the force I exert to stay rooted right to this spot. Tension skitters between us. I start pacing, hunched over, the candles flickering from the air I displace with every pass. Flexing my fingers, I do everything I can to keep my hands off her.
“You watched me. I bet you never took your eyes off me. Remember what you saw on that stage tonight and call me a liar. I dare you.”
I’ve never been easy to shake. But tonight, I unravel with her verbal assault. Whipping around, I snarl at her like the caged animal I’ve turned into from being stuck in this tomb with her. “I’ve kept my vow. I’ve never done anything but honor you.”
“Yes, you and that maddening honor. I’m an adult now so who are you holding on to that honor for? Me? My father? Or do you have a death grip on that honor to protect yourself?”
“You’re barely an adult, and your recklessness makes you even younger than that.”
“I seem to remember stories about someone reckless. A legend. And despite all the risk he took, he’s still standing right here before me.”
“I’m not a wo?—”
She shoots her hand up between us and cocks her head with attitude. “Don’t finish that. Don’t you dare condescend to me because I’m a woman. I don’t need a man telling me what to do. I only need a man for one thing. And you’re the man who bought me.”
“A technicality, Pcholka. And nothing more.”
Her smirk slides into a knowing grin. “Are you sure, Kostya? All those young girl fantasies, all leading to here, to now, to us—alone.”
Truth tumbles in the space between us, leaving nowhere for either of us to hide.
“You don't know what you're talking about.”
“Then let’s find out. One kiss, Kostya. Just one. I’m an adult now and one kiss will leave my virginity intact.”
I sidestep her and make my way to the bed. “No.”
“You’re afraid.”